Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Women in Othello Essay - 1080 Words
The women in Othello are synonymous with Venetian societal standards. Only three women are characters in Othello: Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca but the roles these women play give the reader an idea of how women were portrayed, not only in Shakespeares Othello but in society in general. Women were viewed merely as possessions. After the Duke allows Desdemona to accompany Othello to Cyprus, Othello says To my conveyance I assign my wife (I.3.283), this statement implies that Desdemona and a possession to be transported and guarded. The first Senators phrase use Desdemona well (I.3.288) may suggest he hopes Othello will look after Desdemona, but is more likely to support the the expectations Venetian women had in the 1600s. They were†¦show more content†¦Undoubtedly a stronger character, Emilia has also accepted her role in society. At the end of the play while revealing Iagos plan she states Tis proper I obey him, but not now (V.2.195). Although she has just betrayed Iago,she still feels the need to explains her reasoning for not obeying him. Bianca is also a victim of the role society has set for women. She feels obligated by the standards of society to be circumstanced or to put up with. It was natural for women to be feminine and to obey the men of the so ciety and it was unnatural for them to do anything of the contrary. this concept was widely believed and understood by Shakespeares audience. Modern feminist disagree and say it is not natural for a woman to be feminine, however the women in Othello are pre-feminism and only seem to compound the ideologies of feminism through their actions and behavior. One should not assume that the women of Othello do not question the authority of men at all. Emilia, at the end of Act IV as shes talking to Desdemona explains that women are no different physically than men: Let husbands know, Their wives have sense like them; they see and smell, And have their palates both for sweet and sour As husbands have (IV.9.92-5) She continues on to explain that men and women also share the same desires and affections, but the only difference is men are weaker mentally. This conversation takes place privately and Emilia does notShow MoreRelatedWomen In Othello1691 Words  | 7 PagesWomen of Othello: Lepers or Ladies? Throughout history, there have been social hierarchies imposed upon society. Perhaps one of the most influential was the imposition upon women during the Renaissance era. Women during the Renaissance patriarchy were expected to be proper, pure, and above all else, mindful of the men in their life. In her essay, â€Å"Women in Othello†, Farah Karim-Cooper argues that William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, creates complicated dynamics and roles for the women within it,Read MoreThe Role of Women in Othello777 Words  | 3 Pagescircle but it is ordinarily believed that women are the weaker species. Women in this play conduct themselves in such a way that they allow men to dominate them. Back in the days women were taken as property. They were distrusted and mistreated. Men held more power than women. The disparity in the number of characters expresses the preferred gender in the play; there are more men than women. This bigotry is very much accentuated in the whole play . Women are spoken vicious of and often treated asRead MoreThe Role of Women in Othello645 Words  | 3 Pages There are only three female characters in William Shakespeares play Othello, Desdemona, Othello’s wife, Emilia, Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s lady-in-waiting, and Bianca, a courtesan. When first introduced to this limited number of representatives of the female gender, it is quickly assumed that they will not be very present or have an important role in story. In addition, the male characters of the play see women as submissive and promiscuous possessions that should be controlled by either theirRead MoreRoles Of Women In Othello1112 Words  | 5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s tragic drama â€Å"Othello†, Shakespeare puts emphasis on the role of the female characters and their influence on the male protagonists. Othello’s love and jealousy regarding his wife made this play a tragedy. There are only three women in the play Othello; Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca. The way in which these women behave and present themselves strongly reflects the i deological expectations of women within Shakespeare’s imagined Venetian society as well as the Elizabethan societyRead MoreWomen In Othello Essay1977 Words  | 8 Pagesone of the most influential was the imposition upon women during the Renaissance era. Women during the Renaissance patriarchy were expected to be proper, pure, and above all else, mindful of the men in their life. In her essay, â€Å"Women in Othello†, Farah Karim-Cooper argues that William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, creates complicated dynamics and roles for the women within it, due to the fact that Shakespeare himself did not believe that women fit easily within the roles that they had been assignedRead MoreThe Heroic Women Of Othello1928 Words  | 8 PagesHeroic Women of Othello A hero is â€Å"a man or woman distinguished by the performance of courageous or noble actions (Oxford English Dictionary).†In a male dominated society, such as the one displayed in the play Othello, many of the heroic attributes of the female characters are overlooked, and they are labeled as either weak or insignificant. However, some of the female roles within this play are more important and heroic than their male counterparts. The particularly important women in Othello areRead MoreWomen in Othello/ Elizabethan Times1608 Words  | 7 PagesRobert).In play Othello identity is a topic that appears throughout the play. In Shakespeare Othello all the women, Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca have no separate identity all three are defined by who they are or not married to or the male characters they are connected with. â€Å"According to the Elizabethan times that the play was written in and the general hierarchies within Venetian society men hold all the power and women are considered to be of low intellect†(Berggren 55). Yet it is the women that speakRead MoreReputation Of Men And Women In Othello1118 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout history, the reputation of men and women has been defined by society in a different matter. During the 16th century, men were viewed accordingly to their military position and societal duties. On the other hand, a womans character was defined by their sexual history, commitment of adultery and servitude to their husband. Such a contrast in perceptions did not only alter the way in which women were regarded by their husbands and society, but it influenced the manner in which men definedRead MorePortrayal Of Women In Othello Essay1102 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice, is set during the Renaissance period, therefore men treat women as if they are objects. Even though men treat women badly they still stand up for their beliefs. They are obedient when their husbands tell them to do something but they are still direct even if the outcome is negative. The women in Othello are obedient but straightforward with their opinions because Desdemona married someone unsuitable, without her father’s approvalRead MoreEssay on Role of Women in Othello1742 Words  | 7 PagesRole of Women in Othello      In William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello, the wife of the protagonist, Desdemona, is the main female character. Secondly, there is the ancient’s wife, Emilia, who is morally ambivalent. Thirdly, there is the girlfriend of Michael Cassio, Bianca, who makes her appearance later in the drama. This essay will analyze the roles of these three women.  At the outset of the play Iago persuades the rejected suitor of Desdemona, Roderigo, to accompany him
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Stress And Cognitive Development - 884 Words
Children although, many times are born healthy others have medical conditions that require them to constantly get different test done and be hospitalized spending many of their days and nights in and out of the hospital. These procedures can bring a great amount of stress for both children and their families which can affect children’s cognitive development. Karen Salmon and Deirdre A. Brown (2013) conduct a study that consist of two observational studies the first one being cross-sectional and the second one being longitudinal. Through these observations they are able to know the impact that stress can have on their cognitive development over time. Methodology In this study the participants were verbal children instead of infants or†¦show more content†¦In the aim to reduce anxiety or fear in children Karen Salmon rather than undergoing with the procedure without explaining to the child what is going to be happening they decide to instead to narrate the procedures using visual cues and/or props. Many times parents prefer to avoid talking about the procedure with their children and they go in scared, anxious, and not knowing what to expect which increases the stress and fear that the child has which is why the child will recall that encounter. Another major factor is the parents, if the parents are avoidant and not responsive to the child during the procedure it can alter what is encoded in their brain and what they can later remember. Families become stressed either because of their daily visits to the hospital along other stressing factors. That stress causes parents to not be fully there for their children and to be a little de tached from the situation and not helping children cope with their emotions. Discussion Meaning that depending on the level of stress the child is feeling it determines how the child feels emotionally and how they take it mentally. The memories that children have of their visits to the hospital and procedures bring them stress which can result in cognitive delays. It has a great effect on how they think, reason, and, understand certain situations. However, if parents are both physically andShow MoreRelatedPhysical, Social, And Cognitive Development1403 Words  | 6 PagesIn order to answer questions about ones physical, social, and cognitive development we must first know what that means. Physical development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, health and wellness. 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College students are typically between ages 18-25, which is an important life-stage called emerging adulthood, as Jeffrey Jensen Arnett (2007) has written aboutRead MoreParental Stress And Child Development1292 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract There is an association between parental stress and a child’s competence and school readiness. The among of parental support during adolescence, as well as the among of stress in a child at an early age, will affect cognitive development, school readiness, behavioral problems, and lifestyle. The majority of the research regarding the topic of stress and child development used a longitudinal method. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Courts of the Tampa Bay Area Free Essays
string(111) " in others one was supposed to leave any electronic gadget or anything that could cause harm at the reception\." This study involved visiting courtrooms and observing the court proceeding. I was to follow several cases and evaluate everyone’s behavior in the courtroom. During this period I visited two courtrooms, Criminal Justice Center at 14250 49th Street North Clearwater, FL 33762 and the 501 building in St. We will write a custom essay sample on Courts of the Tampa Bay Area or any similar topic only for you Order Now Petersburg at 501 1st Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701. I visited the courtrooms on several occasions. Case observations On June 16 2010, I visited the criminal Justice center at 14250 49th street North Clearwater, FL 33762, at 2 pm. At the entrance of the courtroom there was screening. Mobile phones were not allowed in the courtroom so they were to be left at the reception desk. It was not difficult getting into the courtroom as only photo identification was required. The room was half full and so finding a sitting position was easy. It was a criminal case, where Mr. George Warren, the accused, was a suspect in a robbery at the bay harbor pool room. The Judge was Justice Earl Logan. The mood of the court was rather relaxed. The judge was calm and followed keenly. On several occasions the judge was very active, especially where the attorneys had heated arguments. The judge had to intervene and restore order in the room. As I learnt later that the proceeding was not open to the journalist and this is the reason I attracted some attention from a juror, as I took some notes. The attorneys showed a great deal of respect to their client although the plaintiff’s attorney was very intimidating. The judge did not take this lightly and cautioned the attorney against such action. The defendant’s attorney defended his client against such intimidation aggressively. He refused to allow his client to be asked questions revolving around his personal life except where they were relevant . They attorneys sought the judge’s intervention where they felt that their client was being harassed. The judge asked the clients questions where he felt was necessary, or ordered them to answer questions if the chose to remain silent. The defendant and his attorney were active while the plaintiff appeared relaxed. This is because the evidence that was brought before the court was very strong and could earn him more than five years imprisonment. The defendant was a clerk and frequented the pool room. Both of them seemed to follow and understand the proceedings. The defendant was however very careful when answering the questions because he would take some time before replying. The disposition of the case was that the defendant was not guilty. This is because he was found near the site with some pints of wine and some change in his pocket. The evidence produced was not substantial and enough for the defendant to face any sentence. The witnesses who testified in the case did give any information that linked the defendant to the crime. The plaintiff failed to convince the court that the accused was indeed the thief. There was no finger print match and the defendant had an evident alibi. During the time of theft the defendant was at another local joint drinking. The time spent on the case was not long but was enough because there was no enough evidence to imprison the defendant. The disposition of the case was fair. There was clear evidence that the defendant was not involved in the crime, and if there was the plaintiff failed to produce it. According to the law the defendant was supposed to be set free until or unless there was more clear evidence . Analysis The courts precinct was calm. There was a serious security check for mobile phones, cameras and any form of weapons. This case was not open to the media and this is the reason why they were so strict on the issue of any cameras or recording material. This was also a security to ensure the safety of everyone in the courtroom. Being an afternoon during a working day most people were at their places of work and so most of those in the room were close to the clients. The mood was relaxed. The case had little tension and this is the reason why the judge appeared calm although he was very attentive. In some instances the clients chose not to answer questions and the judge had to intervene and force them to answer the questions. This is because the evidence tabled was not enough and any information that the judge felt was relevant had to be given . The attorneys were however very aggressive, each trying to defend the evidence produced by their clients. The plaintiff showed no signs of providing more evidence against the defendant and relied solely on the fact that the defendant was found close to the crime scene when the police were called. The defendant claimed that he had just left another drinking joint and was on his way home. This case was very sensitive and the judge had to take note of all the important details and ask questions where clarification was needed, failure to which a wrong judgment would have been made . He was able to prove his claims to the court. The fingerprints from the crime scene did not match his, clear evidence that he was just a case of mistaken identity. This made the proceedings very quick and the hearing and the proceedings did not take a long duration. The evidence produced by the plaintiff did not link directly to the defendant. The could only prove that he was a suspect because he had some pints of wine and also being near the pool room but no proof of his presence in it. The comparison The courtrooms I visited had some differences and similarities. For example in some courtrooms you were allowed to access the room with a mobile phone but it should remain switched off, while in others one was supposed to leave any electronic gadget or anything that could cause harm at the reception. You read "Courts of the Tampa Bay Area" in category "Papers" This is especially in those cases that had restrictions to the media. Search for weapons was inevitable for security reasons. The judges had different reactions and moods depending on the case. If the case had a lot of pressure there were heated arguments and the judge and the judges were very active. They would ask questions in some instances. In other cases the rooms had a bored mood and the judge could even fall asleep. The judge would remain uninvolved in the case. I observed this in a civil case the 501 building in St. Petersburg at 501 1st Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701 on June 11 2010. The suit was filed woman and her former husband and the dispute involved the sharing of the family property. They had recently divorced and the husband decided the wife could only get a third share of the property. Unlike the first case where the judge was actively involved by asking question and seeking clarification, in this case the judge listened quietly without intervention. The judge only took down a few notes and the rest of the time he just watched and listened . The facts and evidence produced were so obvious. Those who followed the proceedings were also very bored. The disposition of this case was that the property in question was to be shared equally between the couple. The disposition of this case was so obvious and thus the quiet mood in the room. The attorneys were also very calm and did not show much aggressiveness like in the first criminal case. The only client who appeared active was the plaintiff, who on several instances had to be warned by the judge about her explosive behavior. In other instances accessing a courtroom could be very difficult. Only those involved in the case are allowed to access them. On the 17th May 2010, I attended the 501 building in St. Petersburg at 501 1st Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701, where the case involved a limited company and a former employee. Only those who were involved in this case were allowed in. I however managed to convince the security team that I was a law student conducting a research and was allowed in. The restrictions were in favor of the company’s public image, which was a leading company globally and could not risk the integrity. The judge looked serious and very involved. The room had very few people and tension was high. The attorneys were very aggressive and the judge was actively involved. The Jury followed the proceedings very attentively. The defendant was accused of violating the rights of the plaintiff a former employee in it, where the plaintiff was forced to work for more hours and was fired without any definite reason. Like in the first case, the judge listened attentively and asked questions during the proceedings. The questions were to clarify the issues that could be relevant in determining the case . The reasons stated by the defendants for their action was that the plaintiff was unproductive at work and showed some negative attitude. The defendant managed to convince the court on the negative attitude of the plaintiff but failed to prove his unproductiveness. The defendant claimed that on particular occasion the plaintiff did not report to work and had no reason a claim refuted by the defendant. Some records that showed the employees attendance were missing; they could have been some crucial evidence. The disposition of this case was that the defendant was guilty. They were to pay the plaintiff an amount that was to be discussed by their attorneys. Unlike the first two cases this case took one month to be decided. The hearing was made on the 25th June 2010. I attended all the three proceedings. The second proceeding was on the 4th June 2010. The fourth case was at the criminal Justice center at 14250 49th street North Clearwater, FL 33762. In this case the plaintiff was a young man who was assaulted by a security guard, the defendant, at a public facility. The hearing was held on July 12 2010. This case proceeding was open to everyone and the courtroom was very crowded. There was the usual security check but not many restrictions. Security checks are a must at all the court entrances but the restrictions depend on the case and those who are involved. The judge was active. Her name was Justice Rene Raymond. The attorneys were very active with instances of heated arguments like in the first and third case. The security guard claimed that the young man was disturbing the public. The evidence brought before the court and from the witnesses showed that the plaintiff had actually caused commotion in the public facility. The issue in this case was the assault. The judge argued that the plaintiff had actually caused disturbance to the people and thus the reason for the assault. Therefore the plaintiff lost the suit. This disposition was fair. There were similarities in these cases in that in most of the criminal cases the judges were very active since the involved so many details that had to be unveiled and clarified so as to make a sound judgment. The crowding of the courtrooms however varied. The dispositions were based on the evidence produced and not just mere claims. This is because in a law court everything said should be proved and a judge should not base the decision on blank claims. Conclusion The research shows that every case proceeding has its own procedures although others are similar. The issue of security is emphasized in all courts. In some cases members of the public are restricted, while others are open to everyone. The mood and involvement of the judge and the courtroom in general depends on the case. Some cases have so much pressure that the judge is very active and attentive. The decisions are based on the evidence produced before the court. REFERENCES Heumann, M. (1981). Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys. Chicago: University of Chicago press. Samuelson, P. (1984). Good Legal Writing: of Orwell and Window Panes. University of Pittsburgh Law Review 149 retrieved on July 12 2010 from http://people. ischool. berkeley. edu/~pam/papers/goodwriting. html Mauk, D. Oakland, J. (2005). American civilization: an introduction. New York, NY: Routledge. Carmen, R. V. (2009). Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice. . Florence: Wadsworth Publishing How to cite Courts of the Tampa Bay Area, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Leather Tannery Industry In Northern India â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Leather Tannery Industry In Northern India? Answer: Introducation The leather is a one of the most valuable and broadly traded across the nations worldwide. The Indiantion of leather/skins is 12.93%. This production is majorly for footwear and furniture use(G. Thyagarajan, 2010). The leather industry in the country has been the major export earning exchange though it has undergone numerous crisis through the imposition of bans due to the environmental pollution which comes along as the consequential manufacture of leather. The Ganga river is the largest river in India and the most populated river along its banks(Kumar, 2010). The river has its source from a wide coverage of the Himalayan mountains and has a stretch in length of 2510 km in the eastwards direction and crosses over the Bay of Bengal plains. The river stream flows through some towns in the India like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar in the southeast plains of India(Sankar, 2012). The leather is a raw product for the manufacture of footwear and other valuable costumes and goods. This industry has the potential drive from the fashion market, moreover, it has led to the expansion of the fashion industry globally. The production process of leather is financial and labour intensive hence it has been a great source of employment for the large Indian population living around Ganga River in the Northern India(Sinha, 2016). The leather industry is basically located along the Ganges River due to the need for water which is a critical necessity in the leather production industry for purposes of it being the main compound for solvents and cleaning of leather after tanning process. The involvement of the Indian government through interventions and asserting legislation and stipulation of policies have greatly influenced the leather industry through exportations of the products. There is a large number of people employed in the leather industry due to its labor-intensive nature with a very high number of the employed workforce of about 2.5 million people. This creation of employment opportunities has significantly raised the life of the locals liv9ing along the river(Sinha, 2012). The production of leather has led to international commercial business trading across the globe and this has led the government to provide their finance and material support to ensure the foreign exchange is completely in the flow. Although leather production has shown a significant margin in the boosting of the Indian economy, its a huge threat to the environment due to its pollution rates which are less controlled. Some social impacts of the industry are that they are influencing the demographic patterns of the countrys population. Due to the demand of water supply for the leather industries, they are geographically located along River Ganges and a consequent increase in population along the river banks and rise in rapid urbanization(Holick, 2008). The increase in population has therefore led to poor living standards due to congestion with respect to the availability of social resources. The industry has been affected by various factors such a band; both international and domestic bans. The major serious band that hit the industry in the recent times was the ban that was imposed on the exportation of leather by the German government. The German(Sanghi, 2013). This product which is a major constituent of leather during its production had been used as a pesticide and research proves that its a carcinogenic compound. Water being the most abundant natural resource for human survival should be the sole resource embraced by the human; it contains the very vital and essential compounds that are usedNorthern India. The river has a large number of dependents of millions in numbers, however, its the main source of water for sustainability of life, health, spiritual rituals and the sobriety of life for the people of Northern India. Numerous impacts are coupled with the establishment of the many leather industries along the Ganges River the Northern India. The tanning process (is the process of making leather which does not decompose from skin and hides of animals) is one in which there is a huge production of solid waste and waste water(Varadarajan, n.d.). This process involves the production of different types of waste materials inclusively all dimensions of the surrounding. Tanning is a process that contributes to more than half the quantity of pollutants that are discharged from the production industry. The mineral tanning process of leather is such critical and has life threatening outcomes. The prickling method of leather tanning in the industry is done by use of minerals that are naturally occurring. Mineral chromium (chromium sulphate) is one of the sole compound used for the tanning process of leather by introducing the approximate volume to the leather until penetration level desired is achieved. The main risk is that the chromium and its compounds are water soluble making the waste discharge to be a major source of chromium into the Ganges River. Although the post tanning process includes minor treatments of the leather, it has very minimal and controlled pollution rates. Pollution in the river is quite dynamic and the waste is sourced from vast agents. The sources are categorically human wastes, industrial wastes, and sewage disposal(Kaul., et al., 2009). This affects the nature and quality in terms of the microbiological nature and physiochemical composition of the water both for human and industrial use. Some major agents of pollutants from the domestic sources are salts, human waste disposal which is directly or indirectly discharged into the river system, human carcasses especially for infants, fertilizers and other chemicals like salts, chlorides, pesticides, oil and grease. The main industrial pollutants are by-products and chemicals used in excess from the very many industries located along the river. These compounds are raw and they are discharged before treatment is conducted to avoid the contamination(Rawat, 2011). Other contributing factors to the pollution of the river are the open defecation in the water, immersion of spiritual idols for the religious practices of the Hindu community. Use of soaps for washing and bathing is another critical factor contributing to pollution. Various research activities show that chromium; a major environmental pollutant from the leather industry is very dangerous to human life. It can get into the human body system from air, food, water and some other human goods for basic consumptions. Chromium causes acute diseases such as respiratory complications, skin inflammations, lung cancer and nasal complications. Several measures have been taken to control in the position to manage the industrial pollution from the leather industry in the country. There has been several policies and legislations of the constitution with a sole aim to protect the environment of India. The boards formed in the country, for instance, the State Pollution Control Boards have been mandated by the national board that oversees the matters of environmental pollution is taken into account. The boards have laid out the national environmental standards and laws which must be strictly applied across the industry for the conservation of environment(Luna Bharati, et al., 2016). The companies that shall not adhere to the laws are in the risk of incurring huge penalties that shall be subjected to them. Other terms of punishment in the recent times were subjection imprisonment. The government has as well implemented regulations on the establishment of treatment plants. This is a sectiondischarged into the river system. Minimal water discharge from the leather tanneries from their points of discharge through a scientific process of reverse osmosis. Creation of organization of research and expertise teams to work on regulating and managing the tannery waste through reusing some of its useful components. The tanneries are subjected to national control systems of observing the amount of water they consume and discharge during the various processes of tanning. They comply to such by installing water flow meters to their systems. Underground water is under control to avoid the pollution of land for agricultural purposes. recovered water can be used for other purposes like reuse in the same production system. The leather industry in the country has a significant role in the economic growth and creation of jobs. It involves stiff competition from other producers like China and faces numerous barriers such as environmental regulations and the quality standards of the leather products. Pollution is the biggest blow that comes from these industries and stringent measure must be put in place to conserve the water in the Ganges River which has about 400 million defendants(Ahluwalia, 2015). Chromium is a life threatening waste from the leather tanning process, hence to minimize its drastic and deteriorating effects on human life and environment the government has to come into control of the whole system of production. References Ahluwalia, V., 2015. Environmental Studies. In: New Delhi: The Energy and Resource Institute. Thyagarajan, A. V. S. A. A., 2010. Indian Leather. In: Technology Assesment and Forecasting in Leather Sector. Calcutta: Central Leather Research Institute. Holick, J. C., 2008. A Journey Down the Ganges River. In: New Delhi: Island Press. Kaul., S., Nandy., T. Gautam, A., 2009. Waste Water Management. In: New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House. Kumar, S. C., 2010. Indian Leather Industry. In: Growth, Productivity and Export Performance. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Luna Bharati, Bharat R. Sharma Smakhtin, V., 2016. Ganges River Basin. In: Calcutta: Routledge. Rawat, R. S., 2011. Reconsidering Untouchability. In: New Delhi: Indian University Press. Sanghi, R., 2013. Our National River Ganga. In: Technology and Engineering. Bangalore: Springer Science and Business Media. Sankar, U., 2012. Trade and Environment. In: New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Sinha, A., 2016. Globalizing India. In: Chennai: Cambridge University Press. Sinha, S., 2012. Leather Industry and Trade. In: Calcutta: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company. Varadarajan, D. B., n.d. Environmental Implications of Leather. In: New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, p. 2009.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Operations Management in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
Introduction Management is an important part of any organization. All successful organizations employ successful management procedures in all their functions. The application of operations management in the areas of quality control, human resource, and supply chain is an important practice in management.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Operations Management in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Mentzer, the control of quality in an organization is influenced by the existing structures that are intended at serving these functions (9). The quality of products and services produced in an organization dictates the success that the organization enjoys in comparison with its competitors. Areas such as human resource and job design management constitute other aspects of an organization that determine the level of organizational success. Human resource management ensures that an organization has employees who are devoted to the aims of the organization. Such employees have the skills that are necessary for operating in the respective industry (Mentzer 21). The third area of management that contributes significantly in determining success in an organization is supply chain management. The distribution of goods and services to and from organizations should be managed efficiently. One of the organizations that enjoy success in management of the above areas is the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). This essay looks at the operations management in the areas of managing quality, human resources and job design, and the supply chain. Managing Quality Management of quality contributes to the output of organizations. The output is only significant when the quality control and management are utilized. ADNOC is located in the mining and distribution industry of petroleum in Abu Dhabi. It is considered one of the global leaders in the petroleum technology. This co mpany is a leader in the provision of petroleum services, with quality control being key in its operations. According to Gitlow, quality control entails putting in place measures that are aimed at enhancing the output in organizations (23). This process begins with setting up a department that is charged with the mandate of overseeing the success of the organization.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More ADNOC has a quality control department whose objective involves the provision of standard petroleum products and/or the provision of services along these lines. ADNOC has branches and subsidiaries in different parts of the country. The ancillaries keep the necessary quality control procedures written in the policy statement of the company. After its establishment in 1971, ADNOC set out to establish many companies, affiliates, and subsidiaries, all of which have quality control de partments. ADNOC has branches in the oil industry. These branches stretch in the areas of exploration, refining, gas production, and transportation of products. The company also distributes crude oil, gas, and refined products to overseas markets, with local distribution forming a significant part in its operations. The management of quality in production, distribution, and storage of products from this organization requires a dedicated workforce with the ability to handle quality control functions of this organization. Quality control in the production of the organization’s chief products is indicated by the organization’s position on the global and local markets. This organization is among the most successful of its kind. ADNOC has a quality control representative in each of its subsidiaries, including the main company. The quality control representative is in charge of the quality control program in each of these subsidiaries. The quality control representative who is responsible for control of the company’s output coordinates activities under the quality control department. Aside from the management of these activities directly in the organization, ADNOC’s quality control representatives and departments have additional functions.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Operations Management in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The organization requires the quality control and management department to provide information on the latest requirements for suppliers, relevant government affiliates, investors, and other organizational affiliates. The other function of quality control representatives is the provision of modifications in the processes in ADNOC to ensure that the outputs are according to the international standards. Top managers and quality control bosses hold frequent meetings to ensure that the department is operating as it sh ould in terms of making the right decisions. The quality control department is required to provide its findings to the senior management, which makes its adjustments to the organization as deemed possible. Gitlow states that quality control should be focused on ensuring that the output is above or equivalent to the global standards (24). Organizations should seek not only to achieve quality control targets but also to set targets for other organizations in the industry. This function of quality control departments is one that ADNOC has carried out over the last few years. Employees in the organization are part of the quality control management process. Therefore, the organization has developed and implemented training and education programs for its employees who are required to provide feedback to the different departments of the organization. This information contributes to the development of standards in the organization. Quality control managers and representatives in this organi zation also follow up with the findings of quality control department in the organization. Aside from the quality control department in the organization, ADNOC outsources quality control services from third parties. The program in the organization is successful with the combination of internal and external quality control parties. The work of quality check programs in ADNOC is to ensure that the output is acceptable and up to the necessary standards. ADNOC has a dedicated management team that takes value as an important part of the production process.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The mining part of the company is an important one. The quality assurance role in this area includes the promotion of safe mining activities. The company has engaged on a campaign to reduce pollution along the process of oil drilling and mining and in the transfer of this product to the local and international markets. The organization has a crisis and emergency division that is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the activities that the organization undertakes are safe for the local environment. An oil spill is one of the major disasters that the organizations can face. The prevention of this disaster is a priority of its crisis and emergency management team. The other activity in the management of quality at ADNOC is the frequent surveys that the organization undertakes. According to Ayish, organizations should participate in feedback activities that allow them improve on their service provision or quality of goods and services (33). ADNOC participates in the provisio n of feedback to promote the provision of better products and services. Surveys are sent to the other companies that interact with the organization. Individuals and organizations that are affiliated to the origination add to the employee feedback, which is used to improve the quality of goods and services in the organization. Gitlow states that employees are important in quality assurance and that organizations should ensure that they participate in the process (29). Some of the ways that organizations may improve the quality of their goods and services is through the promotion of better terms for their employees in terms of providing motivational activities and/or offering the best financial terms. ADNOC has thousands of employees in the many subsidiaries and groups of companies that it operates. These workers are guaranteed good employment terms. This plan has led to the high quality of output. The reduction of flaring on the organization is another achievement that adequate quali ty control has implemented. Flaring is a big contributor to environmental pollution. Initially, the organization had a significant flaring, which led to significant pollution. Measures to reduce pollution that is related to flaring have been effective for this business and its affiliated organizations. Gitlow states that environmental protection for major organizations is an important part in the assessment of their quality control measures (29). Therefore, ADNOC is well placed to achieve quality control and management targets that make it an international company. Human Resources and Job Design Human resource management is an important part of organizations. Many institutions are dedicated to the provision of adequate human resource management practices. According to Mentzer, an organization is as good as the human resource that it recruits and manages (19). The job design for any organization should correspond to the needs of the employees. Job design management in an organization consists of a team of employees and managers who are dedicated to the fulfillment of organizational goals in terms of production. Human resource management entails the recruitment, training, motivation remuneration, and other services that are related to employees. Organizations that recognize their employees as the most important stakeholders often have significant levels of success. These organizations also have significant levels of competitiveness. Organizations that wish to succeed in their respective industries should have a human resource department that has human resource managers who are charged with the assurance of employee needs and rights. ADNOC has a human resource sector in place that takes charge of employee needs in this organization. The department plays the role of recruitment of employees, training, motivation, and promotion of employee rights. The organization recruits employees that are highly trained and experienced. These workers proceed with training while still at the organization. ADNOC offers training for internship students who wish to join the organization in pursuit of employment. Some of these students are absorbed into the organization where they get a chance to bring their experience and training to the organization. Experienced individuals who include human resource managers should run human resource management. ADNOC is one of the organizations with an experienced team of human resource managers who serve different functions in this department. The senior human resource manager is involved in policy formulation, including the determination of individuals who the organization can recruit and employ. Employee remuneration is a significant part of human resource management. It ensures motivation within an organization (Mentzer 17). ADNOC offers competitive remuneration for its employees, with this strategies being one of the reasons for its success in the respective industry. The human resource department within the organizati on or its subsidiaries is charged with the promotion of employee rights and the provision of services. The department ensures that the employees constantly get their remuneration, which has been reviewed in their favor. An organization with the desire to succeed in its respective industry should respect the rights of its employees whilst ensuring that their salaries are competitive in the industry (Ermida 271). The organization with the best employee policies usually enjoys success in the industry and market within which it is located. ADNOC is located in an industry that is considered risky for any employee. Job design in this organization ensures employee safety. The company considers fatality of one of its employees an urgent matter that needs attention. The company has previously had accidents at its places of work, with seven employees dying in 2009 because of work-related accidents. The company investigated these incidents as a way of assuring its employees of future safety at the organization and its affiliate companies. The measures put in place at the organization have ensured that no accident is reported since the death of these employees. ADNOC considers its employees one of their important stakeholders alongside its customers, government organizations, suppliers, and the public. These stakeholders enjoy a variety of engagements with the organization. Employees get team meetings where they contribute to the development of the organization. As a result, they feel motivated. According to Mentzer, these team meetings are important in communicating the organization’s goals and objectives whilst motivating employees towards the achievement of these goals and targets (19). The other way that ADNOC engages its employees is in employee appraisals. The organization carries out frequent employee appraisals that are aimed at improving the performance of these employees in the various areas of work. Employee appraisal is important in the determination of employee output. It works through the improvement of their terms and services. The company also has a suggestion scheme in place for its employees, with this plan helping them attain organizational goals. The scheme is run in all affiliate companies of the organization. The intention is to improve the services of the employees and their total output. An organization that embraces technology in its human resource management is often successful in its venture (Mentzer 12). ADNOC is one of the organizations with extensive use of technology in its human resource management. The organization runs online surveys for its employees. It has personalized e-mail accounts for workers (Mentzer 13). Aside from the personalized email services, this organization has an intranet that ensures that the digital platform is fully utilized and exploited in the organization. Employees have access to newsletters and company magazines that it produces. These resources contain the description of the job des ign of the organization. The newsletters provide information to employees on how they should run different parts of the organization. According to Mentzer, organizations should provide continuous education and training for their employees to ensure that they give their best to the business (14). ADNOC has training programs in place for its employees. The human resource department in the organization coordinates these programs. The training is carried out in the form of seminars and workshops alongside other training activities. The other aspect of human resource management that is prominent in ADNOC is the promotion of social and environmental activities. The organization is located in an industry that interacts heavily with the environment in the process of mining. Industries in the mining industry particularly have their employees participate in the environmental sustainability and protection. Job design in this organization entails ensuring the most output with the least destruct ion of the environment. The promotion of social and environmental activities in the workforce ensures that they maintain a safe operating environment and protection of the environment in general. ADNOC is a key player in environmental protection, which leads to its prevention of environmental degradation. Some of the risks include the spillage of oil, which may lead to destruction of marine life. Job design management in the organization is a function of the executive management. It entails a description of the various jobs and slots in the organization. The human resource department also plays part in the job design management, which determines employee numbers and their respective areas. Mentzer states that the job design determines the success that organizations enjoy in their respective industries (17). Organizations that have effective job design management have a better output. ADNOC is a leader in its respective industry, with the products and services in their output being t he best in its class. Supply Chain Supply chain management is another vital part of an organization. Companies are currently recognizing the need for this new aspect of competitive advantage (Mentzer 72). Supply chain management consists of processes and activities that contribute towards the provision of the products to the end users (Mentzer 72). The most vital area in supply chain management includes purchasing, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and warehousing (Mentzer 78). Supply chain is an aggregate of all these functions that lead to the provision of products and services to the end user. The management of all processes in the supply chain is what encompasses supply chain management. Supply chain management at ADNOC is carried out in a professional manner, with the main method used being the fragmentation of the different functions. The different organizations that constitute ADNOC operate at different levels in the supply chain of the organization. The organizati on is involved in mining oil and gas in the many oil and gas fields in Abu Dhabi while these products are transported to the refineries by a different section of the organization. The company is involved in the management of processes that occur upstream and downstream in the industry. ADNOC has separate groups of companies within it in addition to a host of independent operators that run different parts of its supply chain. This form of supply chain management has worked towards the organization’s advantage, thus ensuring that it distributes petroleum and gas to the readily available markets. Companies that are mainly involved in the exploration and production include the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO), Abu Dhabi Gas Development Company Ltd, Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd. (ADGAS), Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO), Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. (GASCO), and ELIXIER. The other constituent companies that are involved in mining and exp loration include the National Drilling Company (NDC) and the Zakum Development Company (ZADCO). The other part of ADNOC’s supply chain that is also managed by constituent companies and affiliates is the marketing and refining part. Companies that are involved in the marketing and refining of petroleum products for ADNOC include ADNOC Distribution, Distribution, the Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER), and the Abu Dhabi National Tanker Company and National Gas Shipping Company (ADNATCO-NGSCO) (Mezher, Dawelbait, and Abbas 319). These companies are involved in the refining of oil from the oil fields. Companies in the UAE and other parts of the world run the petrochemical directorate at ADNOC. They include companies such as Borouge whose affiliate businesses include Petrochemicals Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Ltd and Borouge PTE Ltd. The other company in the petrochemical directorate is the Ruwais Fertilizer Industry (FERTIL). Apart from the mining and distribution of petroch emicals, other companies such as ESNAAD and the Abu Dhabi Petroleum Operating Company (IRSHAD) are involved in the shared services directorate. Some companies have teamed up with ADNOC in its supply chain. These companies are found at different areas in the supply chain. Examples of these independent operators that are affiliated to ADNOC include Abu Dhabi Oil Company (Japan) Ltd. (ADOC), BUNDUQ, and Total Abu Al Bukhoosh (TOTAL ABK). The above institutions are involved in the supply chain for ADNOC. The organization also runs training services through the numerous academic institutions that it has established or is involved in their support. The presence of different companies along ADNOC’s supply chain ensures that the company’s functions are carried out in an effective manner. According to Mentzer, diversification of the supply chain may be achieved through the involvement of many companies in the process (72). The supply chain with different players often requires efficient management to ensure that they interact in a positive manner. The existence of many organizations as intermediaries in the supply chain often results in reduced efficiency. If unchecked, it may lead to a reduction in the organization’s output (Morsi and Key 23). There is a loss of time and resources in the increased number of intermediaries. Hence, organizations should target to reduce the number of intermediaries. ADNOC is successful in its supply chain management because all organizations within this supply chain are affiliates or part of the larger organization. Automation is another part of the supply chain that contributes to the evident success in organizations. Organizations that apply technology in their supply chain often end up being successful (Abdelal 31). ADNOC has extensively applied technology in its supply chain, with transportation of petroleum products and crude oil being carried out through advanced methods. The company has extensive use of modern ized fleets in the transportation of its products to their markets, especially in the shipping of oil to the international markets. The management of any supply chain requires a dedicated workforce and the utilization of all cadres of employees. These measures are practiced in the ADNOC’s supply chain management. The other aspect of the supply chain management in relation to ADNOC is the cost of managing this supply chain. ADNOC is one of the global organizations that invest significantly in their supply chain management. According to Mentzer, supply chain management should be an integral part of any organization, with adequate funding to ensure a swift flow of goods and services from suppliers to the end consumers (72). ADNOC has a board in place to manage the supply chain. This committee is charged with the investment into the right measures for the maintenance of an intact supply chain. The global market for ADNOC’s products has a number of competitors, with branche s in different parts of the world including Abu Dhabi and the UAE. To ensure that the company is competitive enough, the supply chain management practices include control of pricing and amount of the produced petroleum products. ADNOC is an example of an organization that has effective supply chain management. Employees in the organization and its affiliate companies are trained on how to manage the supply chain whilst maintaining a constant flow of products produced by this organization. A fully-fledged department is charged with the management of ADNOC’s supply chain. The manager does reporting to the board of the organization. Conclusion In conclusion, the success of any organization is determined by factors such as the management of human resource, supply chain, and the quality of their output. The paper has confirmed that these areas are crucial in terms of determining whether an organization achieves its goals and objectives. This paper has also looked at one of the mos t successful companies in the UAE and on the global front. It has highlighted how it has managed its human resource, quality, and supply chain. ADNOC is one of the most successful energy companies in the world. It has recorded profits in the range of billions of dollars each year. The company has efficient quality control methods in use. Examples include the use of technology and recruitment of experienced and highly trained employees. The human resource management at ADNOC is run by the human resource department, which ensures that the right employees are selected for the right work. The supply chain is run in a fragmented manner, with a variety of organizations being involved in different parts of the chain. The organization has effective management practices in all areas as discussed in the paper. Works Cited Abdelal, Rawi. â€Å"Sovereign Wealth In Abu Dhabi.†Geopolitics 14.2(2009): 317-327. Print. Ayish, Muhammad. â€Å"Virtual Public Relations In The United Arab Emira tes: A Case Study Of 20 UAE Organizations’ Use Of The Internet.†Public Relations Review 31.3(2005): 381-388. Print. Ermida, Graà §a. â€Å"Analysis: Strategic Decisions Of International Oil Companies: Arctic Versus Other Regions.†Energy Strategy Reviews 2.Sustainable Energy System Changes 1.1(2014): 265-272. Print. Gitlow, Howard. Quality management. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005. Print. Mentzer, John. Supply chain management. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2001. Print. Mezher, Toufic, Gihan Dawelbait, and Zeina Abbas. â€Å"Renewable Energy Policy Options For Abu Dhabi: Drivers And Barriers.†Energy Policy 42.2(2012): 315-328. Print. Morsi, Mozzart, and Antonio Key. â€Å"Rehabilitation Of Gas Pipelines: The Experience Of ADNOC In Abu Dhabi.†Corros. Prev. Control 1.1(1994): 5. Print. 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Monday, November 25, 2019
3 Things You Can Like About Your Job, Even if You Hate Your Job
3 Things You Can Like About Your Job, Even if You Hate Your Job Most people just don’t like their jobs. You may think you’re in the minority, but some studies even go so far as to suggest that a measly 13% of people worldwide actually enjoy going to work. The trouble with most jobs is that we tend to look at them as instrumental. Like necessary evils. A means to a paycheck, food, clothes, eventual vacations and†¦retirement? Someday?If you’re not lucky enough to love what you do, there are still ways of deriving meaning from what it is you’re doing in a way that can help you at least love your life. Here are three things you can get from most any job and fend off the negative vibes:1. How well you do itIt’s always possible to excel. Even when you don’t particularly feel like doing something, it is always possible to do that thing well- extremely well. Push yourself to see just how far you can go. Striving for personal excellence can be its own reward, regardless of the task. Even if you don’ t love your job, it is possible to take great pride in how well you do it. Your colleagues and supervisors will notice this and you’ll be surprised at how easily you’ll command respect for displaying this kind of integrity.2. How much you makeIt’s all well and good to talk about meaning and value and excellence and loving what we do, but for some of us, money is the motivating factor. And that’s okay! Turn your dull job into a game. See how quickly you can work your way up the ladder if you put your mind to it. How many bonuses or commissions can you rack up? How quickly can you boost your bank account and your salary demands? You might not be curing cancer, but you might be able to put a kid through college with this kind of dedication. No one else needs to know your motivation for doing such good work- as long as it’s getting done.3. How many people you helpIt doesn’t matter how small your job is, or how insignificant you feel. Maybe youâ €™re not a CEO, but you can still make the world- and the workplace- a better place. Try to do your job well and help others do the same. Mentor a well-meaning newbie or recommend a colleague for a high-profile project or promotion. Spreading the love around will make life better for more people than just you, but it can also benefit you. Kindness has a way of multiplying.These may seem like strange and radical suggestions, but any one of them can change your relationship to your job, and your day-to-day life, for the better.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strengths and weaknesses of Wal-Mart's entry strategy into Mexico Coursework
Strengths and weaknesses of Wal-Mart's entry strategy into Mexico - Coursework Example Antoni, (2007) suggested that despite the fact that Wal-Mart has been condemned for their low wages, they are truly doing various good for lower income individuals. Wal-Mart can punch out many competitors with their belligerent pricing approach. They have the capability to slash prices on some goods, such as toys, by twenty percent in order to motivate sales. The provision that Wal-Mart proffers to its clients is a vast benefit, as well. They have a sturdy figure that it is pleasant to shop where persons are all the time enthusiastic to make their occurrence a good one. The added enticements are the steady price rollback, in addition, to the store-within-a-store. An immense treaty of Wal-Mart’s achievements can be accredited to the reality that the corporation was based on recognizing, knowing, and accepting what exactly clients want from a vendor. These led to their accomplishments in enterprising in Mexico, as the consumers were contented with the services they received. The business in one store presents a massive selection of merchandise at extremely affordable, prices in a one-stop stockpile. Because of their magnitude, they can get vast discounts from dealers and so pass these investments on to the consumers. They produce their own branded goods and, in addition, to supply goods from confined suppliers and other main brands. Their extent and buying authority is immense strength. They also are careful in their managing approach, where they are extremely cautious with how they use their funds and control their assets. This went on well while in Mexico, and they succeeded. Finally, Wal-Mart’s economical benefit is their noteworthy logistics structure. They are able to distribute goods from any of their abundant supply centres in order to offer the cheapest and most proficient route. Expertise in general is an incredible power that Wal-Mart advances in to perk up their corporation. This not only offers expediency for clients, but also with a log istics structure like the one Wal-Mart has in position, online remissions are a breeze to stuff. Weaknesses In the eyes of a number of the community, Wal-Mart has limitations that involve not only their reflection, but also the survival of other individuals. Because of Wal-Mart’s stumpy prices and famous name, they have been capable to confine the sales of an incredible number of customers, and have, as a result, made it tremendously hard for small retailers to continue. Principled shoppers, those who are apprehensive with the comfort of small retailers are annoyed at the monopolizing authority Wal-Mart has been capable of gain. Most minute shops have been required to close up because of lack of sales. Some individuals say no to shop at Wal-Mart because of these matters. Many conservationists get concerned with the comprehensive buildings that are not susceptible to the surroundings. These constructions also cause a trouble of interchange pollution and obstruction, which can spoil small neighbourhoods. The workers of Wal-Mart can endure a tremendous deal, as well. Many obtain only poverty-level earnings and terrible wellbeing care reimbursements. Troubles with these healthcare reimbursements lead to workers applying for community help, which in turn signify that taxpayers would pay for Wal-Mart members of staff healthcare expenses. Because of these condemnations, worker confidence is reduced. Price devaluation is a severe
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Performance Study Of The Beverages Industry And Leisure Industry Essay
The Performance Study Of The Beverages Industry And Leisure Industry In The UK 2031 - Essay Example The brands of the company include Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Windsor and Bushmills, Crown royal and Ketel One vodka amongst many others. The products of the company are sold in more than 180 nations around the world. Continuous investments are one of the essential strategies of the company. The company’s management believes in the concept that continuous investment in new product development is essential for achieving success in the beverage industry. Investing in innovation and developing partnerships which adds value to the entity are the primary motives of the organization. Diageo Plc is listed in both the New York and London stock exchanges. Britvic plc is the second largest supplier soft drinks manufacturing company in the U.K. it is also the largest manufacturer of still soft drinks in the U.K market. Majority of the business of the company is concentrated in the U.K, Ireland and France. The company exports its products to more than 50 nations of the world. Some of the famous brands of the company are Robinsons, Tango and Teisseire amongst many others. Apart from its own products, Britvic also manufactures and sells products of PepsiCo such as 7Up and Mountain Dew. Britivic in the recent times has also been successful in expanding its activities into the U.S through franchising, licensing and export. Organic growth and international expansion are the main strategic policies of the company. The company is listed on the London Stock exchange. SABMiller is a multinational South African brewing and beverages company. The headquarters of the company is located in the London. After Anheuser-Busch, SABMiller is the largest brewer in terms of revenue. The company is also engaged in bottling Coca-Cola products. The company operates in more than 80 nations of the world. The company operates in both emerging and developed markets of the worlds.  Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Fosters are come famous brands of the company. The company possess primary
Monday, November 18, 2019
Principles of Marketing Management - Assignment 2
Principles of Marketing Management - 2 - Assignment Example The plan will cover different external as well as internal environmental analysis of the company for the purpose of having long term sustainability in the market and attain a better competitive position. Ikea Estates is a sister concern of Inter IKEA Holding. The company operates in a decentralised manner in which each division of the company owns its own responsibilities. In addition to this, different business lines and operations are handled by their own managements. In this context, Ikea Estates is a separate and independent concern under the flagship of Inter IKEA Holding. This division of the group deals in real estate properties like housing. The prime quest of this division is to create long term value for the division as well as entire group with the help of making investments in properties. In addition to this, the overall operations of the organisation includes the development of new properties, land banking and undertaking of the active management the portfolio of properties that can be proved quite efficient to retrieve maximum amount of returns from the investments (Property Division 2013). Ikea Estates was recognised as a separate division of the entire group in the year 1990, when housing and real estate market was on boom phase. This division of the country is quite expended and geographically diversified. There are 8 different European countries in which, the company has registered its footprint quite intensively. These countries are Spain, the Netherlands, the UK, Poland, Latvia, Belgium, Romania, and Lithuania ((Property Division 2013). The company is well known for its factory built housing schemes offered to the customers after the recent financial crisis. The concept of wood cladded and wonky roofed houses emerged by the company was exceptional and proved as one of the most successful business ideas after the recent financial crisis that has made the perception of people regarding real estate as an investment
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Signs of Elder Financial Abuse
Signs of Elder Financial Abuse CHAPTER 1: METHODS AND TACTICS OF AN ELDER FINANCIAL ABUSER Our families, communities and state legal system have worked in recent years to protect our loved ones from elder financial abuse. That said, families with elder adults still share a deep fear about the physical, mental and financial safety of their loved ones. Elder abusers, however reprehensible, often find ways to circumvent the protections that our families and society provide our senior citizens. Wrongdoers have their methods and tactics, and its our responsibility to counter them at every turn. If they think theyve gotten away with hijacking estate or trust assets, trust litigation attorneys should make them pay under the full weight of civil law. In my practice, which likely mirrors our country at large, the following are the five most common ways elder financial abuse happens: 1. Caregiver Abuse When a Michigan trial judge dismissed a familys lawsuit against a home care company for sending a caregiver with two felony criminal warrants to care for a man in his 80s, the national press erupted with questions about how this could happen. In this particular case, a caregiver company Kentucky-based ResCare sent a woman to a retired Detroit-area businessman to look after his ailing wife, who had dementia. It didnt take long until the wifes jewelry began to disappear, as well as the businessmans fortune. Court filings estimate the losses to be as high as $1.5 million. The caregiver, if she could be called that, moved the businessman out of his bedroom into the basement of his lakefront home and moved her mother into the home. The businessmans wife died, and within months the caretaker married the businessman. When the businessmans family members finally intervened and removed him from his home, his finances were in a shambles. He didnt have bank accounts with positive balances or working credit cards. He had his social security monthly payment thats it. The Michigan businessman and his family are simply representative of the widespread abuse affecting our growing elderly population. I have handled a number of cases where predators, posing as legitimate caregivers, soon take advantage of the elderly. This misconduct includes physical and medical neglect often coupled that with embezzlement and theft. The Michigan case didnt work out well not that any of these abuse cases by nature work out well. Even with a partial financial recovery, the seismic emotional repercussions stemming from misplaced trust dont easily recede. 2. Financial Exploitation Financial exploitation takes many forms. Every day, even though I have been counseling families for decades, I am regularly surprised. The sale of an elders medications; grocery bills more attributable to cash withdrawals taken by caregivers than bread and milk purchased for the elderly; lawn service for a small yard at $300.00 per week; money used for gambling; medical care and dental care neglected because of the theft of funds; and assignments of bank accounts into joint tenancy with a wrongdoer. Most families with victimized elders could readily add to the list of the ways elders are financially exploited. Vigilance helps. Here are some examples of vigilance: Be very careful and take precaution when hiring caregivers. Simply hiring a caregiver company is not an insurance policy against wrongdoing. Watch your elders bank accounts particularly withdrawal activity or changes in accounts. Sometimes the horse is out the barn door before you discover bank transfers but it is still better late than never (or a year later). Be careful and inquiring when you hear that your elder has been making frequent trips to the bank. Be vigilant in watching your elders mail. We have seen circumstances where financial information is hidden from the view of the elder and his or her relatives. This is a sign of great danger. Some financial advisors believe that an elders credit report should be ordered periodically. This could also be a good canary in the coal mine. We have seen cases where social security checks were cashed by wrongdoers. Direct deposit of social security checks, retirement and dividend checks provide some distance between a wrongdoer and your elders money. Review receipts from vendors (grocery store, pharmacy, Costco etc.) for goods purchased for your elderly relative. We have seen wrongdoing first discovered in this review. A $350.00 receipt from the local grocery store showing a $200.00 cash withdrawal can make even the most oblivious suspicious. Watch for service scams. New heaters, air conditioners, garbage disposals or lawn irrigation systems sold at a large premium are not unusual. Reverse mortgages can be a blessing or a curse. Reverse mortgages may provide a large lump sum payment or a stable predictable monthly income to senior adults, but money coming from reverse mortgages may also be a large tempting cookie jar for unscrupulous caretakers or relatives. More than once have I seen reverse mortgages paid to vulnerable senior adults with questionable capacity. The existence of a reverse mortgage is often not discovered by the senior homeowners family until the senior has passed away. 3. Misuse of Powers of Attorney Durable powers of attorney can be a great legal vehicle for senior adults to appoint a trusted agent to handle health, legal and financial matters. Such powers, when used with prudence by trusted family members or agents, provide legal protection when and if the senior becomes incapacitated or incompetent. Such powers when used correctly are an unfettered blessing. If misused, such powers can destroy a lifetime of planning. The effective and prudent use of durable or medical powers of attorney brings no headlines. In the same way, misuse of such legal vehicles is often kept secret and only met with incredulity by relatives when discovered. We have seen a number of incidents where powers of attorney were misused at the end of life of an elderly adult to benefit the holder of the power of the attorney. Examples of misuse include: The transfer of real property to the holder negating trust provisions that provide for a different distribution; entry and seizure of safe deposit personal property coupled with later denials of the existence of such properties; dramatic changes in bank accounts that are inconsistent with will or trust provisions; and transfer of vehicles. Some holders of medical powers of attorney have misused their powers to prevent family members from visiting the hospital bed of a gravely ill or dying relative. California has recently addressed this issue in legislation making such abuse much more difficult. In the meantime stories abound about how a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter, could not visit a dying relative because a stepmother or stepfather prevented the visit. If these problems were not so common there would be little need to address it. For those who face the issue, they should immediately contact a lawyer familiar with elder abuse laws. Medical facilities should also be aware of their own limitations is preventing visits. 4. Isolation and Freeze-Outs Isolation of elders from their families, neighbors and loved ones is an all too common occurrence. Changed door locks, new locked front gates, mobile telephone seizures, failure to answer or open the door to visitors, and unreported removals of elders from their homes are part and parcel of isolation. These actions cause family members to fear for the safety of their loved ones and also may create a sense of helplessness. Unfortunately, such conduct is common. For Californians who encounter isolation or freeze-out abuse, the first step is to call Adult Protective Services or its equivalent. Local law enforcement agencies also often have task forces that deal with such abuse. Civil lawyers skilled and experienced in elder abuse issues can assist in such contacts and can also address such issues in civil filings that include restraining orders and other appropriate measures. Words of warning while isolation and freeze-out conduct might be obvious to the family member of the elder, such conduct may not be as obvious to authorities. Criminals and wrongdoers do not usually jump at the chance to admit guilt. While there is no excuse for elder abuse, wrongdoers will readily provide excuses. Common excuses include I had to keep everyone away because they just upset the elder; We had to move Grandpa to Arizona because they had the best medical care there; I had to keep Aunt Bessie from the phone because she only got upset when she heard from her relatives; Of course I had to keep my dad away from my sisters and brother because they are greedy and they only wanted to get his money; and I needed to protect my uncle because he was afraid that his children were going to hit him, push him down or lock him up in a mental asylum. Dont expect the isolator to readily admit that she bought her boyfriend a new Harley with grandmas money, that the house and surrounding are a pigsty because she is doing meth, or that all of grandmas jewelry was sold to support her drug habit. Youve got to dig at it when your loved one is isolated when you are frozen out. The process can be demanding, frustrating, and can cause anxiety. Still dont turn your back on your elder do something protect the vulnerable. 5. Unwarranted Transfers First, an obvious acknowledgment: families often have difficulty in transferring an elderly family member to an assisted living or nursing facility in situations where it is absolutely in the seniors best interests to have such a transfer. Id venture to say that most transfers are absolutely warranted and done with love and care for the senior. It is the unwarranted transfers, coupled with wrongdoing, that can petrify family members. The common setting for unwarranted transfers is the presence of a family member maybe a stepbrother or stepsister who is estranged from the seniors other children and family members. For whatever reason, and by whatever treacherous means, the wrongdoer is able to get the elder into his or her home and get the elders estate plan altered. Once the estate plan is effectively altered, it can be Katy bar the door for change. More than once we have seen circumstances that the senior is transferred against his or her wishes to a facility geographically removed from other family members. In the meantime, personal goods and family mementos are often discarded or hidden. These actions often cause even greater anger than money transfers. You simply cant replace photographs, family heirlooms, military awards, or personal collections with money. The discarding of important family treasures is an affront to the remaining family members a complete disregard of important family history and a glaring mark of the greed of the wrongdoer. Difficulties abound when trying to address unwarranted transfers. First off, the senior often lacks capacity. So what do we look at when the senior lacks capacity? One way to deal with an incompetent senior is to seek a conservatorship of his or her person and estate. This is not without complications. Does the senior really wish to be supervised by a stranger or even a benign family member? Conservatorships can be expensive and time consuming. Prospective conservatees are afforded counsel public defenders or otherwise. The costs of such counsel is paid from the conservatees estate. Courts are often reluctant to appoint conservators even for those with great impairment it is the taking away of ones freedom, even if such freedom increases vulnerability to scams and unscrupulous people. Detecting the Tactics of Elder Financial Abuse The sooner elder financial abuse is detected, the better the chance for recovery of estate and trust assets on behalf of the victims. So what are the typical signs or red flags to look out for? According to the guidelines of National Adult Protective Services Association, the following factors should be watched closely to avoid a potential personal tragedy and financial disaster: 1. Liabilities Unpaid Bills: What if an elderly loved one should have the means to pay the bills every month, but somehow their utilities get shut off? There might be more in play than just a seniors faulty memory a bad actor may have made off with money from the elders accounts, leaving the victim high and dry. 2. Surrender of Oversight: Very often we see cases of a new friend, neighbor or opportunistic relative appearing on the scene to offer their help in managing the elders financial account. At times they even succeed in gaining power of attorney. This effective forfeiture of oversight should be looked into closely for other indicators of suspicious activity. 3. Suspicious Withdrawals: As any good investigator will tell you, follow the money. When financial accounts begin registering unexplained withdrawals or checks set to cash, its time for you to speak with bank employees and get further details on whos making these transactions. 4. Vanishing Assets: Another tell-tale sign of elder financial abuse is when valuables begin to disappear. Suddenly an elders jewelry, cash or financial documents like stock certificates vanish, and the perpetrator takes to living lavishly with new purchases of fancy attire, vehicles, property, etc. 5. Changed Estate Documents: Wrongdoers who commit elder financial abuse will often seek to legitimize their predatory behavior with the stamp of legitimacy. Exercising undue influence on the elderly victim, theyll shop around for any lawyer who will agree to change a will or trust document in their favor. Ask your elderly loved one about any such changes if you are faced with such a situation, it may be time to consult an experienced trust litigation attorney. 6. Creditors Come Knocking: Is the elder encountering financial trouble where there should be none? Find out the explanation for property liens or foreclosure warnings. The reason behind creditor claims may be more than just a mistake your elderly family member might have been financially exploited by an abuser who cleaned out their accounts. Identifying Financial Exploitation and Scams As the population of senior citizens in California continues to grow, so too will the challenge posed by fraudsters who want to prey on our elderly and steal their money. To help seniors and their loved ones identify and avoid scams, Ive compiled a list of the most common ploys, tricks, and tactics financial criminals use against the elderly. So watch out for the following forms of fraud: 1. Grandparents Scam A senior will receive a phone call beginning with, Grandma? The caller will cleverly elicit the grandchilds name. Posing as the grandchild, the scammer will then say theyve gotten into some form of deep trouble they might tell the senior theyre in jail or stranded in a foreign country. Its an emergency, and they need help immediately! With the grandparent now upset and ready to assist their supposed grandchild by any means possible, the scammer will ask them to wire money to their bank account, often by Western Union. To avoid falling for the grandparent scam, dont let a caller drag you into the guessing game, whereby you willingly provide them with the names of your grandchildren and other relatives. If a scammer is more sophisticated, they might research their victim on social media sometimes theyll run the scam on platforms like Facebook. Call your family members and check on the whereabouts of your grandchildren, no matter how convincing a story you may hear over the phone or through social media. 2. Secret Shopper To your surprise, you receive a check in the mail for several thousand dollars to Wal-Mart or another big-box store. Youve been chosen for the secret shopper program! In reality, youre being conned into depositing a bad check. Once youve deposited, the scammers will ask you to mail them a check with the difference and thats in addition to your being responsible for the fraudulent check youve cashed. Secret Shopper is a nasty scam that leaves its bewildered victims thousands of dollars poorer. Keep elderly loved ones away from fraud schemes like Secret Shopper by using the too-good-to-be-true rule: if its too good to be true, its not true someones after your money. That means Secret Shopper offers are as good as garbage. 3. Email Scams Email scams have been around a long time and arent going away its cost-effective for swindlers to send out millions of spam emails, even if they only get one or two responses from potential victims. If you have an email account, youre going to receive these from time to time, even with the best spam filters. The most notorious email scams are Nigerian prince letters, which inform recipients that they have been selected to share in an enormous royal fortune in Nigeria or some other West African nation. All the recipients have to do to gain their riches is wire money to the esteemed prince to pay the transaction fee. Naturally, there is no pot of gold at the end of the Nigerian rainbow, with the net result of your bank account being emptied. Another common type of email scam is known as phishing, the imitation of real websites to elicit personal and financial information. You might very well receive a bank alert that seems to be from your bank; the message will inform you that your bank account is overdrawn, you are the victim of identity theft, etc. Even the layout of the email and fake website will look convincingly real. Yet the actual purpose of the phishing scam is to get you to enter your bank account ID, password, Social Security Number, etc., into the phony website, all in order to defraud you. In addition to Nigerian prince emails and phishing schemes, you may also receive emails marked urgent, etc. Often theyll seemingly be sent from friends and relatives. Theyll have attachments in the form of letters or videos youre told to open. In reality, theyre fake letters with harmful attachments viruses or malware that are designed to infect your computer and steal your personal information. Online criminals can even mask their spam messages to make it appear they come from friends, family, and colleagues in their attempt to trick you into opening the attachment in order to unleash their virus. To steer clear of email scams, the best policy is simply to delete unfamiliar emails and not engage too-good-to-be true offers to share in African riches. If you get a bank alert email that youre unsure of, check your account online (dont click on any link in the message) or simply call your bank to check your account. Also remember to never open attachments in unknown messages, and be very weary of vague requests from seemingly familiar senders who might very well be identity thieves and con artists. 4. Investment Fraud Investment fraud is an all-too-common form of elder financial abuse, and scammers find numerous ways to perpetrate the crime against seniors. The first variety are classic Ponzi schemes, where elderly clients are recruited into dubious investment ventures promising big returns, but which in reality generate no profit investment proceeds are simply skimmed from client funds. Ponzi schemers will pose as legitimate entrepreneurs or investment advisors, sometimes offering free meals to attend their wealth seminars. By the time a Ponzi scheme collapses (as it inevitably will if authorities dont intervene), victims are often left penniless and effectively unable to recover any of the funds they had invested in the scheme the perpetrator likely spent all the money and distributed it out as false profits. Its unfortunate but true that there are also a few bad-faith brokers out there who are willing to defraud their elderly clients. Investment advisors and brokers who violate their clients trust can sometimes go years stealing before they finally get caught. To keep a financial predator from looting your accounts or those of your loved ones, make sure to review their background through FINRAs BrokerCheck it never hurts to get a second opinion on a firm or particular advisor. Along with Ponzi schemes and outright abuses by bad-faith brokers, also watch out for multi-level marketing schemes (MLMs). MLMs, otherwise known as pyramid schemes and network marketing, are technically legal business models that require the new member to recruit others into the venture in order to sell whatever product might be on offer. Senior citizens, at times lonely and in need of companionship, can be vulnerable to these schemes, some of which will send them box-loads of products and charge them whether they agreed or not. So while MLMs are technically legal, they are often highly exploitative of senior citizens through their deceptive terms and conditions. To steer clear of investment fraud, apply the too good to be true rule to investment offerings that boast sky-high returns and near-zero risk chances are its a Ponzi scheme. Conduct due diligence and consult a reputable advisor who can help you or your elderly loved ones make sound investment decisions. And stay away from MLM pyramids, the only point of which is to enrich their very top layer while exploiting everyone else below them with largely empty promises of wealth. 5. Telemarketing Fraud Often connected with investment scams are predatory telemarketing schemes, another way fraudsters look to entrap seniors. Many elderly Americans receive several phone calls a week from slick salesmen pitching everything from penny stocks to flimsy-sounding premium retirement programs for their portfolios. Quick-talking telemarketers will pressure lonely, confused seniors into once-in-a-lifetime investments in dubious or non-existent oil and gas holdings, foreign currency exchange, real estate, and even blockbuster movie productions. Another ploy is to hit up the victim for contributions to a supposed charity. Finally, dont be fooled by con men (and women) who pretend to be calling from your bank, hospital, insurance provider, etc. Theyre looking to elicit your personal information to commit identity theft against you. Its sad but true that financial abuse is made easy over the telephone. To prevent telemarketing fraud, make it an express policy to never sign onto anything over the phone. Courteously hang up and make sure to register for the US governments Do Not Call list. Keep it simple never give personal or financial information to unknown callers, no matter who they might claim to be. 6. Repair Fraud Seniors are frequently targeted for elder financial abuse right in their own home through the common tactic of repair fraud. If an elder is forgetful or possibly suffering from dementia, wrongdoers will look to exploit this weakness by overcharging for home repairs and yardwork. Sometimes scammers will even come around repeatedly, performing the same task several times over a given period and defrauding the victim in the process. Even unscrupulous auto mechanics have been known to jack up prices for elderly, confused customers and engage in dishonest, unethical practices like changing tires every few months. Another updated form of repair fraud is the antivirus scam, which can be perpetrated in person, online, or over the phone. You might receive a fake email, a telephone call, or even a door-to-door visit from someone claiming to check your computer for viruses. Theyll tell you your computer is infected and repair it, charging you for a non-existent service and possibly even stealing your personal and financial information while they access your computer. Countering repair fraud might mean going to the doctor and getting an evaluation over possible memory loss or increased confusion. Seniors with conditions like dementia must be protected from financial exploitation one effective way to shield vulnerable elderly loved ones from repair fraud is to obtain financial power of attorney. When a responsible younger relative takes on this legal duty, its sometimes possible to recover funds lost to repair fraud. 7. Sweepstakes Scams Fake sweepstakes, lotteries, and raffles represent a widespread form of fraud perpetrated against senior citizens. Youll get a flashy mailer informing you of your amazing prize winnings, or perhaps a telephone call or spam email. A fabulous fortune is yours to be had, youre told, and all you have to do to attain your winnings is pay a phony tax, shipping fees, or other made-up charges. Your social security number and bank information might even required to claim the supposed prize. In reality, of course, the sweepstakes is a scam meant to trick you out of hundreds or even thousands of dollars, potentially putting your identity at risk. The too-good-to-be-true rule applies to most scams, and ridiculous sweepstakes mailers are no exception. A real raffle or lottery wouldnt require you pay or provide sensitive personal info to access your prize. Sweepstakes offers and other contest winnings should be promptly tossed in the trash, and whoevers sending them through the postal system should be regarded with strong suspicion. Seniors should have a trusted loved one help them sort through mail and identify all such deceptive mailers. Countermeasures Heightened Vigilance What are some initial steps you can make to prevent elder financial abuse? Several measures are available for family members, lawyers, financial professionals and medical caregivers. Along with basic awareness, coordination and ongoing communication between parties translate to increased protection. Here are some basic actions you can take to keep elderly loved ones safe from exploitation: 1. Financial Oversight: A family member and financial professional at the local bank or advisory firm should establish a system of oversight over an elders accounts. In addition to setting up bill payment, keep a sharp eye on any excessive withdrawals or irregular transfers. Consider joint accounts with the elder, and look into the possibilities of a limited credit card for an elder susceptible to financial exploitation. 2. Revocable Trust: With a revocable trust in place, a trustee has access to a trust account without enjoying the status of legal ownership. Stopping irresponsible or just plain bad trustees from squandering assets translates to building in effective safeguards. 3. Communication: The human element is vital in preventing elder financial abuse, and that means maintaining effective lines of communication between all interested parties, whether it be the attorney, investment advisor or medical caregiver. Just as importantly, a loving relationship with an elderly family member makes all the difference in shielding them from harm. If a senior is lonely, theyll be more vulnerable to fraud or unethical sales pitches. Just visiting an elder regularly, talking and showing them you care is an enormous boost in keeping them safe. 4. No-Contact Lists: Boiler room telemarketers and deceptive mailers target elders who suffer from cognitive impairment. One way to block most, if not all, of these unwelcome solicitors is to contact the FTCs Do Not Call Registry, Nomorobo and the Direct Marketing Association. Speak with your elderly loved one about the harmful nature of these calls and fliers to help them spot when theyre being scammed. Protecting your elderly family member is virtually a full-time job for many it becomes a full-time job of care, comfort, housing, medical visits, and protection. Such duties may be embraced with love, but it is a love coupled often with real suffering. It is never easy to care for a parent with dementia or with chronic physical or mental problems. Both physical and mental exhaustion often accompany such care. Sibling issues arise between those who are near the elder family member and those who are geographically removed. Friends of the elder might be critical of the care or protections that are put in place for the elders benefits. Not all is black and white. Taking care of an elder adult often reminds us to reflect on the meaning of the Fifth Commandment: Honor thy father and thy mother. Doing this honor is a day-to-day process, and is not without its challenges.
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