Fsu college essay
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Mobile Phones Essay Example for Free
Cell Phones Essay Cell phones have had such a huge effect in our advanced twenty-first century social orders, that they have become a vital part of our day by day lives. These days, it has become the standard in our towns and towns to see individuals who are occupied with tapping on their PDAs. Cell phones have changed the manner in which individuals impart. These gadgets are conveyed anyplace individuals go on the grounds that they are light and simple to heft around, to such an extent that everybody is continually in contact with others. This is totally different from when home and work phones were the main methods for correspondence. These days, individuals can consider each other utilizing their cell phones any place they are as long as there is gathering, paying little mind to the nation they are in. This can be life-sparing when crisis calls are required, while likewise helpful to speak with work associates, loved ones. Besides, cell phones have likewise brought forth instant messages, which are seen as more advantageous than calls, since they can be replied at the receiver’s comfort without being upset. Peruse more: Essay on Use of Mobile Phones by Students Advanced cells are the most recent sort of cell phones, which have been accessible for just two or three years. These telephones keep on upgrading our correspondence, mostly by utilizing the web for outsider administrations, for example, talking and informal communication destinations. Besides, these telephones can be utilized for a large number of different things, with the end goal that they can have the capacity of a PC, a music player, a camera, a camcorder, a gaming console and a journal, among different employments. Cell phones have additionally been of a hindrance to their clients. Individuals in present day social orders are regularly seen as dependent on their mobile phones. They check on the off chance that they have any new message again and again, in any event, when they are out with their companions or when they are out on the town. Right off the bat, this fixation shows absence of habits since cell phones are given more significance than the individual before them. Besides, this absence of needs can frequently be risky, for instance while driving. The most recent advanced cells could be over the top expensive. Despite the fact that there are an assortment of reasonable PDAs and advanced cells, a few people, regularly adolescents, burn through many Euros consistently to purchase the most recent PDA, in spite of the fact that having just a little improvement over the past one. By and large, this is an aftereffect of influential and exorbitant promoting made by monster producers. Besides, this has likewise been a typical subject for harassing in schools. Cell phones have clearly made people’s work and individual life a lot simpler. For whatever length of time that these are utilized with alert and control, PDAs don't have a specific adverse effect on people’s way of life and wellbeing.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
50 Must-Read Books About Tudor England
50 Must-Read Books About Tudor England Tudor England. Undoubtedly one of the most intriguing historical time periods in European history. Books about Tudor England conjures images of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I as Gloriana, the Spanish Armada, and, last but absolutely not least, William Shakespeare. But as always, there is so much more to any historical time period and to any society of the past than a few infamous personalities and events. So, too, with Tudor England. In fact, within the phrase Tudor England we find not one royal dynasty, but twoâ€"the Tudors (in power 1485â€"1603) and the Stuarts (in power 1603â€"1688). We find not only one geographical regionâ€"Englandâ€"but several other, some nearby (Ireland, Scotland, and Wales), some further away (the Ottoman Empire), and some across the globe (the Americas, Africa, and India). Tudor England encompasses a time period of religious conflict and religious encounters. Tudor England sees the breaking apart of the Catholic Church and the birth of Protestantism. This period sees the first lasting diplomatic contacts between representatives of the Christian and Islamic worlds. But also, the beginnings of colonialism, racism, and trans-Atlantic slavery. Tudor England is the time period of incredible female empowerment. At one point there were three womenâ€"Mary I, Mary Queen of Scots, and Elizabeth Iâ€"who fought for supreme power. At the same time, it is the time period of immense misogyny, and its perhaps most cruel manifestationâ€"the witch craze. Here are fifty must-read books about Tudor England that cover all its contradictory glory of racism, conviviality, homosexuality, female friendship, childbirth, witch trials, antisemitism without Jews, encounters with Islam, conflicts with Spain, and, last but absolutely not least, Shakesqueer. A) Rifa’at Ali Abou-El-Haj, Formation of the Modern State: The Ottoman Empire Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century. This book reevaluates the established historical view of the Ottoman Empire as an eastern despotic nation-state in decline and instead analyzes it as a modern state comparable to contemporary states in Europe and Asia. B) Pompa Banerjee, Burning Women: Widows, Witches, and Early Modern European Travelers in India. In early modern Europe, the circulation of visual and verbal transmissions of sati, or Hindu widow burning, not only informed responses to the ritualized violence of Hindu culture, but also intersected in fascinating ways with specifically European forms of ritualized violence and European constructions of gender ideology. European accounts of women being burned in India uncannily commented on the burnings of women as witches and criminal wives in Europe. When Europeans narrated their accounts of sati, perhaps the most striking illustration of Hindu patriarchal violence, they did not specifically connect the act of widow burning to a corresponding European signifier: the gruesome ceremonial burnings of women as witches. In examining early modern representations of sati, the book focuses specifically on those strategies that enabled European travelers to protect their own identity as uniquely civilized amidst spectacular displays of Eastern barbarity. Emily C. Bartells, Speaking of the Moor: From Alcazar to Othello. In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, when England was expanding its reach across the globe, the Moor became a central character on the English stage. In The Battle of Alcazar, Titus Andronicus, Lusts Dominion, and Othello, the figure of the Moor took definition from multiple geographies, histories, religions, and skin colors. In Speaking of the Moor, Bartells sets the early modern Moor plays beside contemporaneous texts that embed Moorish figures within Englands historical recordâ€"Richard Hakluyts Principal Navigations, Queen Elizabeths letters proposing the deportation of Englands blackamoors, and John Porys translation of The History and Description of Africa. The book uncovers the surprising complexity of Englands negotiation and accommodation of difference at the end of the Elizabethan era. Aphra Behn, Oroonoko. When Prince Oroonoko’s passion for the virtuous Imoinda arouses the jealousy of his grandfather, the lovers are cast into slavery and transported from Africa to the colony of Surinam. Oroonoko’s noble bearing soon wins the respect of his English captors, but his struggle for freedom brings about his destruction. Inspired by Aphra Behn’s visit to Surinam, Oroonoko reveals Behn’s ambiguous attitude toward slavery: while she favored it as a means to strengthen England’s power, her powerful and moving work conveys its injustice and brutality. This new single-volume edition of Oroonoko includes a carefully modernized text accompanied by an introduction, chronology, explanatory notes and suggestions for further reading. Alan Bray, Homosexuality in Renaissance England. Alan Brays Homosexuality in Renaissance England is a milestone work. Examining the image of the sodomite in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century literature and polemic, Bray demonstrates how widely that image differed from the everyday occurrences of male homosexual behavior in ordinary households and schools. Widely considered the best study of its kind, Homosexuality in Renaissance England clearly shows why the modern image of the homosexual cannot be applied to the early modern period, when homosexual behavior was viewed in terms of the sexual act and not an individuals broader identity. Homosexuality in Renaissance England is a must-read for anyone interested in sexuality during the early modern period. Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II vol. 1 and vol. 2. The focus of Fernand Braudels great work is the Mediterranean world in the second half of the sixteenth century, but Braudel ranges back in history to the world of Odysseus and forward to our time, moving out from the Mediterranean area to the New World and other destinations of Mediterranean traders. Braudels scope embraces the natural world and material life, economics, demography, politics, and diplomacy. Jonathan Burton Ania Loomba, Race in Early Modern England: A Documentary Companion. This collection makes available for the first time a rich archive of materials that illuminate the history of racial thought and practices in sixteenth and seventeenth century England. A comprehensive introduction shows how these writings on religion, skin color, sexual and marital practices, geography, and the human body are crucial for understanding the pre-Enlightenment lineages of racial categories. C) Jorge Cañizares-Esquerra, Matt D. Childs James Sidbury (eds.), The Black Urban Atlantic in the Age of the Slave Trade. During the era of the Atlantic slave trade, vibrant port cities became home to thousands of Africans in transit. Free and enslaved blacks alike crafted the necessary materials to support transoceanic commerce and labored as stevedores, carters, sex workers, and boarding-house keepers. By shifting focus away from plantations, this volume poses new questions about the nature of slavery in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries, illustrating early modern urban spaces as multiethnic sites of social connectivity, cultural incubation, and political negotiation. David Cressy, Birth, Marriage, and Death: Ritual, Religion, and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England. From childbirth and baptism through to courtship, weddings, and funerals, every stage in the life cycle of Tudor and Stuart England was accompanied by ritual. Even under the Protestantism of the reformed Church, the spiritual and social dramas of birth, marriage, and death were graced with elaborate ceremony. Powerful and controversial protocols were in operation, shaped and altered by the influences of the Reformation, the Revolution, and the Restoration. Using fascinating first-hand evidence, Cressy shows how the making and remaking of ritual formed part of a continuing debate, sometimes strained and occasionally acrimonious, which exposed the raw nerves of society in the midst of great historical events. In doing so, he vividly brings to life the common experiences of living and dying in Tudor and Stuart England. Claire Cross, Church and People: England, 1450â€"1660. This book provides readers with an account of the rivalry between the two kingdoms of Church and State between the years 1450 and 1660. England inherited, from medieval times, two systems of authority: the Church, governed by Pope and Bishops; and the State, ruled by Monarch and Lords. However, from the late fourteenth century onwards, this division was increasingly challenged by the laitys insistence on their right to choose not only between different systems of Church government but also between different forms of religious belief. The author charts the rivalry between clergy and laitys and shows how political and social developments between 1450 and 1660 were decisively influenced by this conflict. This second edition includes updates throughout the text in the light of recent scholarship and a new bibliography. D) Eamon Duffy, Fires of Faith: Catholic England under Mary Tudor. The reign of Mary Tudor has been remembered as an era of sterile repression, when a reactionary monarch launched a doomed attempt to re-impose Catholicism on an unwilling nation. In this controversial reassessment, the renowned reformation historian Eamon Duffy argues that Marys regime was neither inept nor backward looking. Led by the queens cousin, Cardinal Reginald Pole, Mary’s church dramatically reversed the religious revolution imposed under the child king Edward VI. Inspired by the values of the European Counter-Reformation, the cardinal and the queen reinstated the papacy and launched an effective propaganda campaign through pulpit and press. Only the death of the childless queen and her cardinal on the same day in November 1558 brought the protestant Elizabeth to the throne, thereby changing the course of English history. E) Elizabeth I and Leah S. Marcus, The Collected Works of Elizabeth I. This long-awaited and masterfully edited volume contains nearly all of the writings of Queen Elizabeth I: the clumsy letters of childhood, the early speeches of a fledgling queen, and the prayers and poetry of the monarchs later years. The editors’ copious annotations make the book not only essential to scholars but accessible to general readers as well. F) Cheryl Fury (ed.), The Social History of English Seamen, 1485â€"1649. This book provides an overview of our knowledge of English seamen during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the tumultuous world in which they lived. Subjects covered include trade, piracy, wives, widows and the wider maritime community, health and medicine at sea, religion and shipboard culture, how Tudor and Stuart ships were manned and provisioned, and what has been learned from the important wreck the Mary Rose. G) Bernard Glassman, Anti-Semitic Stereotypes Without Jews: Image of the Jews in England, 1290â€"1700. Anti-Semitic Stereotypes Without Jews offers an exploration of English history, 1290â€"1700, tracing the growth and development of these attitudes. It demonstrates that it is possible for prejudice to thrive even in the absence of a scapegoat group. Following the expulsion in the year 1290 until 1656, although there was no real Jewish community in England, the molders of public opinion kept a shadowy image of the Jew alive through sermons and religious tracts, travelogues, folklore, religious and secular drama. Despite their theological differences, Anglican, Puritan, and Catholic clergymen concurred in the negative images of Jews presented to their congregations. Anti-Semitic sentiments are seen here as reflecting deep-seated, irrational responses to the Jewish people, rooted in the teachings of the church and exploited by men who needed an outlet for religious, social, and economic f rustrations. Lara Gowing, Gender Relations in Early Modern England. This concise and accessible book explores the history of gender in England between 1500 and 1700. Amidst the political and religious disruptions of the Reformation and the Civil War, sexual difference and gender were matters of public debate and private contention. Gowing provides unique insight into gender relations in a time of flux, through sources ranging from the women who tried to vote in Ipswich in 1640, to the dreams of Archbishop Laud and a grandmother describing the first time her grandson wore breeches. Examining gender relations in the contexts of the body, the house, the neighborhood and the political world, this comprehensive study analyses the tides of change and the power of custom in a pre-modern world. H) Imtiaz H. Habib, Black Lives in the English Archives, 1500â€"1677: Imprints of the Invisible. Containing an urgently needed archival database of historical evidence, this volume includes both a consolidated presentation of the documentary records of black people in Tudor and Stuart England, and an interpretive narrative that confirms and significantly extends the insights of current theoretical excursus on race in early modern England. Here for the first time, Habib collects the scattered references to black people in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, and arranges them into a systematic, chronological descriptive index. Both the archival information and interpretive scholarship provide a strong framework from which future historical debates on race in early modern England can proceed. Imtiaz H. Habib, Shakespeare and Race: Postcolonial Praxis in the Early Modern Period. Shakespeare and Race is a provocative new study that reveals a connection between the subject of race in Shakespeare and the advent of early English colonialism. Citing generally neglected archival evidence, Habib argues that a small population of captured Indians and Africans brought to England during the 16th century provided the impetus for Elizabethan constructions of race rather than existing European traditions in which blackness was represented metaphorically. He explores Tudor and Stuart dramatic representations of black characters, focusing specifically on how race affected Shakespeare personally and historically over the course of his career. Using postcolonial paradigms combined with neo-Marxist, feminist, and psychoanalytic insights, Habib discusses the possible existence of a black woman that Shakespeare knew and wrote about in his Sonnets and examines the design of his black male char acters, including Aaron, Othello, and Caliban. Shakespeare and Race represents a significant contribution that will fascinate scholars of literature as well as those interested in the cultural impact of colonialism. Nick Hazlewood, The Queen’s Slave Trader: John Hawkyns, Elizabeth I, and the Trafficking in Human Souls. Throughout history, blame for the introduction of slavery in America has been squarely placed upon the slave traders who ravaged African villages, the merchants who auctioned off human lives as if they were cattle, and the slave owners who ruthlessly beat their helpless victims. There is, however, above all these men, another person who has seemingly been able to avoid the blame due her. The origins of slaveryâ€"often described as Americas shameâ€"can actually be traced back to a woman, Englands Queen Elizabeth I. In The Queens Slave Trader, historian Nick Hazlewoods haunting discoveries take you into the mind-set of the men who made their livelihoods trafficking human souls and at long last reveals the man who began it allâ€"and the woman behind him. I) Halil Incalik, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 1300â€"1600. Born as a military frontier principality at the turn of the fourteenth century, Turkey developed into the dominant force in Anatolia and the Balkans, growing to become the most powerful Islamic state after 1517 when it incorporated the old Arab lands. This distinctively Eastern culture, with all its detail and intricacies, is explored here by a pre-eminent scholar of Turkish history. He gives a striking picture of the prominence of religion and warfare in everyday life as well as the traditions of statecraft, administration, social values, financial and land policies. The definitive account, this is an indispensable companion to anyone with an interest in Islam, Turkey, and the Balkans. Halil Inalcik Donald Quataert, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire vol. 2: 1600â€"1914. This major contribution to Ottoman history is now published in paperback in two volumes. The authors provide a richly detailed account of the social and economic history of the Ottoman region, from the origins of the Empire around 1300 to the eve of its destruction during World War One. The breadth of range and the fullness of coverage make these two volumes essential for an understanding of contemporary developments in both the Middle East and the post-Soviet Balkan world. J) James I, King of Great Britain, Daemonologie. In 1590, 300 Scottish witches were tried for plotting the murder of their King, James VI of Scotland (soon to be James I of England). James is known to have suffered from a morbid fear of violent death, and the trial heightened his anxiety over this apparently treasonous un-Christian sect, and stimulated him to study the whole subject of witchcraft. Daemonologie is the result of this royal research, detailing his opinions on the topic in the form of a Socratic dialogue between the skeptic Philomathes and witch-averse Epistemon, who reveals many aspects of witchcraft. The book consists of three sections, on magic, on sorcery and witchcraft, and on spirits and ghosts, and ends with a lurid account of the North Berwick witch trials, based on the evidence of Dr John Fian, the alleged head of the coven, whose confession was obtained with the aid of thumbscrews, the Boot, and by the ripping out of his fingernails. K) Mehrdad Kia, Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire. This book provides a general overview of the daily life in a vast empire, which contained numerous ethnic, linguistic, and religious communities. The extensive bibliography provides rich and diverse sources of further reading. An index provides quick reference to the individuals and places mentioned in the text. Miranda Kaufmann, Black Tudors: The Untold Story. From long-forgotten records, remarkable characters emerge. They were baptized, married and buried by the Church of England. They were paid wages like any other Tudors. Their stories, brought viscerally to life by Kaufmann, provide unprecedented insights into how Africans came to be in Tudor England, what they did there and how they were treated. A ground-breaking, seminal work, Black Tudors challenges the accepted narrative that racial slavery was all but inevitable and forces us to re-examine the seventeenth century to determine what caused perceptions to change so radically. L) Kathy Lavezzo, The Accommodated Jew. English Antisemitism from Bede to Milton. In The Accommodated Jew, Kathy Lavezzo rethinks the complex and contradictory relation between England’s rejection of the Jew and the centrality of Jews to classic English literature. Drawing on literary, historical, and cartographic texts, she charts an entangled Jewish imaginative presence in English culture. In a sweeping view that extends from the Anglo-Saxon period to the late seventeenth century, Lavezzo tracks how English writers from Bede to Milton imagine Jews via buildingsâ€"tombs, latrines and especially housesâ€"that support fantasies of exile. Epitomizing this trope is the blood libel and its implication that Jews cannot be accommodated in England because of the anti-Christian violence they allegedly perform in their homes. David Loades, The Tudor Queens of England. From Elizabeth of Yorkâ€"wife of Henry VII, the first Tudor monarchâ€"through to Elizabeth I, her granddaughter and the last in the line, this book explores some of the most colorful and dramatic women in British history. Queen consorts were central to the Royal Court but their role has rarely been examined or contrasted with the better-known ruling queens. How did they behave (in and out of the bedchamber)? How powerful were they as patrons of learning and the arts? What religious views did they espouse and why? How successful and influential were they? Ania Loomba, Shakespeare, Race, and Colonialism. Did Shakespeare and his contemporaries think at all in terms of race? Examining the depiction of cultural, religious, and ethnic difference in Shakespeares plays, Loomba considers how seventeenth-century ideas differed from the later ideologies of race that emerged during colonialism, as well as from older ideas about barbarism, blackness, and religious difference. Accessible yet nuanced analysis of the plays explores how Shakespeares ideas of race were shaped by beliefs about color, religion, nationality, class, money, and gender. Ania Loomba Martin Orkin (eds.), Post-Colonial Shakespeares. Postcolonial Shakespeares is an exciting step forward in the dialogue between postcolonial studies and Shakespearean criticism. This unique volume features original work by some of the leading critics within the growing field of Shakespeare studies and is the most authoritative collection on this topic to date. This study explores the colonial and racial discourses emerging in early modern Britain; how the Shakespearean text later became a colonial battlefield; how Shakespeare circulates in our post- and neo-colonial world today. This collection of new essays traces the connections between early modern and contemporary vocabularies of colonization, race and nationhood. M) Gerald MacLean Nabil Matar, Britain and the Islamic World, 1558â€"1713. MacLean and Matar examine the place of Islam and Muslim in English thought, and how British monarchs dealt with supremely powerful Muslim rulers. They document the importance of diplomatic and mercantile encounters, show how the writings of captives spread unreliable information about Islam and Muslims, and investigate observations by travellers and clergymen who reported meetings with Jews, eastern Christians, Armenians, and Shiites. They also trace how trade and the exchange of material goods with the Islamic world shaped how people in Britain lived their lives and thought about themselves. Randall Martin, Women, Murder, and Equity in Early Modern England. This book presents the first comprehensive study of over 120 printed news reports of murders and infanticides committed by early modern women. It offers an interdisciplinary analysis of female homicide in post-Reformation news formats ranging from ballads to newspapers. Individual cases are illuminated in relation to changing legal, religious, and political contexts, as well as the dynamic growth of commercial crime-news and readership. Jeffrey Masten, Queer Philologies. Sex, Language, and Affect in Shakespeare’s Time. In Queer Philologies, Masten studies particular terms that illuminate the history of sexuality in Shakespeares time and analyzes the methods we have used to study sex and gender in literary and cultural history. Masten unpacks the etymology, circulation, transformation, and constitutive power of key words within the early modern discourse of sex and genderâ€"terms such as conversation and intercourse, fundament and foundation, friend and boyâ€"that described bodies, pleasures, emotions, sexual acts, even (to the extent possible in this period) sexual identities. Analyzing the continuities as well as differences between Shakespeares language and our own, he offers up a queer lexicon in which the letter Q is perhaps the queerest character of all. Nabil Matar, Islam in Britain, 1558â€"1685. This book examines the impact of Islam on early modern Britain. Christian-Muslim interaction at this time was not, as is often thought, primarily adversarial; rather, there was extensive cultural, intellectual and missionary engagement with Islam. Matar investigates the impact of the Quran and sufism on the people of Britain, showing that the British interacted widely with Islamic religion, culture and people through travel, in London coffee houses, in church, among converts to and from Islam, in sermons and in plays. Nabil Matar, Turks, Moors, and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery. In Turks, Moors, and Englishmen, Matar vividly presents new data about Anglo-Islamic social and historical interactions. Rather than looking exclusively at literary works, which tended to present unidimensional stereotypes of Muslims, Matar delves into hitherto unexamined English prison depositions, captives memoirs, government documents, and Arabic chronicles and histories. The result is a significant alternative to the prevailing discourse on Islam, which nearly always centers around ethnocentrism and attempts at dominance over the non-Western world, and an astonishing revelation about the realities of exchange and familiarity between England and Muslim society in the Elizabethan and early Stuart periods. Nabil Matar, Britain and Barbary, 1589â€"1689. Matar examines the influence of Mediterranean piracy and diplomacy on early modern British history and identity. Drawing on published and unpublished literary, commercial, and epistolary sources, he situates British maritime activity and national politics, especially in relation to the Civil War, within the international context of Anglo-Magharibi encounters. Before there was the British encounter with America, there was the much more complex and destabilizing encounter with Islam in North Africa. Madhavi Menon (ed.), Shakesqueer: A Queer Companion to the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Shakesqueer puts the most exciting queer theorists in conversation with the complete works of William Shakespeare. Exploring what is odd, eccentric, and unexpected in the Bard’s plays and poems, these theorists highlight not only the many ways that Shakespeare can be queered but also the many ways that Shakespeare can enrich queer theory. This innovative anthology reveals an early modern playwright insistently returning to questions of language, identity, and temporality, themes central to contemporary queer theory. Madhavi Menon, Wanton Words: Rhetoric and Sexuality in English Renaissance Drama. In Wanton Words, Madhavi Menon intimately and expertly couples classical and Renaissance handbooks of with canonical Renaissance plays and demonstrates their shared propensity to speak about sexâ€"often transgressive sexâ€"in the same instance that they speak about the workings of language. N) Elizabeth Norton, The Hidden Lives of Tudor Women. The Tudor period conjures up images of queens and noblewomen in elaborate court dress; of palace intrigue and dramatic politics. But if you were a woman, it was also a time when death during childbirth was rife; when marriage was usually a legal contract, not a matter for love, and the education you could hope to receive was minimal at best. Yet the Tudor century was also dominated by powerful and dynamic women in a way that no era had been before. Historian Elizabeth Norton explores the life cycle of the Tudor woman, from childhood to old age, through the diverging examples of women such as Elizabeth Tudor, Henry VIII’s sister; Cecily Burbage, Elizabeths wet nurse; Mary Howard, widowed but influential at court; Elizabeth Boleyn, mother of a controversial queen; and Elizabeth Barton, a peasant girl who would be lauded as a prophetess. O) Onyeka, Blackamoors: Africans in Tudor England, Their Presence, Status, and Origins. Onyekas book is about the presence, status and origins of Africans in Tudor England. In it Onyeka argues that these people were present in cities and towns throughout England, but that they did not automatically occupy the lowest positions in Tudor society. This is important because the few modern historians who have written about Africans in Tudor England suggest that they were all slaves, or transient immigrants who were considered as dangerous strangers and the epitome of otherness. However, this book will show that some Africans in England had important occupations in Tudor society, and were employed by powerful people because of the skills they possessed. P) Geoffrey Parker, Imprudent King. A New Life of Philip II. Philip II is not only the most famous king in Spanish history, but one of the most famous monarchs in English history: the man who married Mary Tudor and later launched the Spanish Armada against her sister Elizabeth I. Eminent historian Geoffrey Parker draws on four decades of research on Philip as well as a recent, extraordinary archival discoveryâ€"a trove of 3,000 documents in the vaults of the Hispanic Society of America in New York City, unread since crossing Philip’s own desk more than four centuries ago. Many of them change significantly what we know about the king. Annabel Patterson, Censorship and Interpretation: The Conditions of Writing and Reading in Early Modern England. Patterson explores the effects of censorship on both writing and reading in early modern England, drawing analogies and connections with France during the same time. The result is an original account of the interpretive and communicative systems we call culture. Pattersons work will interest anyone concerned with the relationship between art and politics. A new introduction by the author underscores the relevance of a historical perspective on censorship to contemporary culture. James Pettegree, Foreign and Native on the English Stage, 1588â€"1611. This original and scholarly work uses three detailed case studies of playsâ€"Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra , King Lear and Cymbelineâ€"to cast light on the ways in which early modern writers used metaphor to explore how identities emerge from the interaction of competing regional and spiritual topographies. S) Melissa E. Sanchez, Erotic Subjects: The Sexuality of Politics in Early Modern English Literature. Treating sixteenth- and seventeenth-century erotic literature as part of English political history, Erotic Subjects traces some surprising implications of two early modern commonplaces: first, that love is the basis of political consent and obedience, and second, that suffering is an intrinsic part of love. Rather than dismiss such assumptions as mere conventions, Sanchez uncovers the political import of early modern literatures fascination with eroticized violence. Melissa E. Sanchez, Shakespeare and Queer Theory. Shakespeare and Queer Theory is an indispensable guide on the ongoing critical debates about queer method both within and beyond Shakespeare and early modern studies. James Shapiro, Shakespeare and the Jews. Going against the grain of the dominant scholarship on the period, which generally ignores the impact of Jewish questions in early modern England, James Shapiro presents how Elizabethans imagined Jews to be utterly different from themselvesâ€"in religion, race, nationality, and even sexuality. From strange cases of Christians masquerading as Jews to bizarre proposals to settle foreign Jews in Ireland, this book looks into the crisis of cultural identity in Elizabethan England and sheds new light on The Merchant of Venice. James Sharpe, Witchcraft in Early Modern England. This book provides an introduction to the fascinating topic of witchcraft, informed by the main trends of new thinking on the subject. Beginning with a discussion of witchcraft in the early modern period, and charting the witch panics that took place at this time, the author goes on to look at the historical debate surrounding the causes of the legal persecution of witches. Contemporary views of witchcraft put forward by judges, theological writers and the medical profession are examined, as is the place of witchcraft in the popular imagination. Sharpe also looks at the gender dimensions of the witch persecution, and the treatment of witchcraft in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama. Supported by a range of compelling documents, the book concludes with an exploration of why witch panics declined in the late seventeenth century and early eighteenth century. U) Gustav Ungerer, The Mediterranean Apprenticeship of British Slavery. An essay about the importance of the English merchants in Spain for the early development of the British slave trade in the sixteenth century. W) Adrian Wilson, Ritual and Conflict: The Social Relations of Childbirth in Early Modern England.. This book places childbirth in early-modern England within a wider network of social institutions and relationships. Starting with illegitimacyâ€"the violation of the marital normâ€"it proceeds through marriage to the wider gender-order and so to the ceremony of childbirth, the popular ritual through which women collectively controlled this, the pivotal event in their lives. Focusing on the seventeenth century, but ranging from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, this study offers a new viewpoint on such themes as the patriarchal family, the significance of illegitimacy, and the structuring of gender-relations in the period. Garthine Walker, Crime, Gender, and Social Order in Early Modern England. Walker reveals that women were not treated leniently by the courts and that beliefs about gender and order impacted on real legal outcomes in early modern England. She demonstrates that the household role had as much to do with the nature of criminality as the individual in this period. Challenging hitherto accepted views regarding gender stereotyping, this book illuminates the complexities of everyday English life in the early modern period. Graham T. Williams, Women’s Epistolary Utterance: A Study of the Letters of Joan and Maria Thynne, 1575â€"1611. Located at the intersection of historical pragmatics, letters and manuscript studies, this book offers a multi-dimensional analysis of the letters of Joan and Maria Thynne, 1575â€"1611. It investigates multiple ways in which socio-culturally and socio-familially contextualized reading of particular collections may increase our understanding of early modern letters as a particular type of handwritten communicative activity. The book also adds to our understanding of these women as individual users of English in their historical moment, especially in terms of literacy and their engagement with cultural scripts. Throughout the book, analysis is based on the manuscript letters themselves and in this way several chapters address the importance of viewing original sources to understand the letters full pragmatic significance. Within these broader frameworks, individual chapters address the womens use of scribes, prose structure and punctuation, performative speech act verbs, and (im)politeness, sincerity and mock (im)politeness. Y) Michael Young, King James I and the History of Homosexuality. James VI I, the namesake of the King James Version of the Bible, had a series of notorious male favorites. No one denies that these relationships were amorous, but were they sexual? Michael B. Young merges political history with recent scholarship in the history of sexuality to answer that question. Persons acquainted with the history of sexuality will find surprising premonitions here of modern homosexuality and homophobia. General readers will find a world of political intrigue colored by sodomy, pederasty, and gender instability. For readers new to the subject, the book begins with a helpful overview of King James’s life. What are your favorite books about Tudor England? Other Must-Reads on Book Riot that might be of interest: 100 Must-Read Books about the Middle Ages. 100 Must-Read Books about Ancient History. 100 Must-Read Books about Witches. 100 Must-Read Books about the History of Medicine. 100 Must-Read YA Historical Novels. 100 Must-Read Historical Romances. 100 Must-Read Titles About Womens History.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Jesus The Savior Of God - 2079 Words
In the Christian religion, Jesus, also known as the Messiah, was (portrayed/known) as the savior of mankind. As learned and taught from the scriptures, Jesus can be said to be both fully human and fully divine, all being one person. It is said that God sent Jesus to our earth for a mission, and that mission was to teach people the truth, teach the people about the kingdom of God, and many other important things essential to one’s happiness. Jesus came to earth for us, and to help save and teach us valuable things. He was a greatly valued man whom people saw as always being there for them when they needed him. What kind of man was Jesus? Jesus was a man of many great things. Teaching was something that Jesus took great value in, he was†¦show more content†¦John 12:27 â€Å"I am troubled now. Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.†The sin in which created from within ourselves or souls was what filled Jesus are created his own body/soul to be troubled when he was to complete his will to redeem us from our sin (J.C Ryles). He was willing to suffer in the benefits of his people shows how he truly was as a person and how he cared for the better of mankind. (J.C Ryles) As known, Jesus was a man with a mission, a mission to save and seek the lost on earth. He wanted to do whatever he could to save those who needed to be saved, along with who wanted to be saved; he rejoiced in saving people. Jesus enjoyed teaching what he learned over the years as well as the things taught to him by God, (his or our) father. Jesus was happy to reveal himself to us. He was joyful to speak and teach us, even when we were not seeking him; what makes him very happy was to see us respond and take in the ways in which he was preaching. Jesus was joyful in the Holy Spirit for he was moved and fulfilled by it, also, he was content knowing how his teaching as well as God’s grace had come together to result in the saving or salvation of the souls on earth. The happiness seen in those who he has saved and the signs of belief and trust in theShow MoreRelatedWrights Visions of Jesus in his Book, Who Was Jesus958 Words  | 4 Pages16:15). Two thousand years ago, Jesus asked his followers. â€Å"Who he really was?†Tom Wright, who lives in 21st century, asks again. In this book, Wright puts the reader on a time machine and brings them back to Palestine, 1st century and starts the story of â€Å"historical Jesus†. Wright directly goes into the Gospels and talks about Jesus. 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Matthew portrays Jesus as Messiah, Mark portrays Him as Suffering Servant, and Luke portrays Jesus as Universal Savior. The Gospel of John portrays Jesus as Son of God. John is not part of the Synoptics Gospel because Synoptics focus on God’s kingdom while John focuses on who Jesus is. Each book supports their views of Jesus with their texts. The Book of Matthew describes Jesus as Messiah. Matthew’sRead MoreWhat Jesus Means to Me780 Words  | 4 PagesWhat Jesus Means to Me Jesusâ€â€perhaps the most discoursed name in history. He has transformed and influenced many lives including mine. To some people, He was a prophet. To others He is a mere legend. To me, he is a father and a friend, but most of all, He is my Lord and Savior through justification, sanctification, and redemption. First of all, Jesus is my Savior through justification. Justification by faith is being attributed by God as righteous, even though we have sinned, and are thereforeRead More The Man Who Died by D.H. 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In addition to that, the only way for one to be saved is to go through Him. On the other hand if you were to ask any Christian this question, of course the answer would be â€Å"yes, Jesus is the only Way.†As for those whoRead MoreThe Is Not A Perfect Understanding Of God1466 Words  | 6 Pageshave been changed, all in the name of God. For centuries man has posed the question as to whether or not an all-knowing, all-powerful, and unconditionally loving God truly exists. While there are many who searched for and believe in the existence of some form of supreme being that has ultimate control over our existence, there are others who don’t believe in any such higher power. According to Hunter (1974), â€Å"It is not easy to find a perfect understanding of God. The search requires persistent effortRead More Oedipus Rex – a Christ Figu re Essays1020 Words  | 5 Pagesparallels to this in the Bible when Jesus addressed the people. In the gospel of Matthew alone, the word children is used 20 times, for example 3:9: â€Å". . .and do not presume to say to yourselves, `We have Abraham as our father; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham.†Jesus also said in Matthew 18:3: Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.†In the same book (23:37) Jesus said, O Jerusalem, JerusalemRead MoreThe Resurrection Of Jesus And The Creation Of Adam By Jean Baptise Camille Corot992 Words  | 4 PagesJesus Baptism During renaissance era, artist have been using bibles as inspirations for paintings just like da Vinci’s The Last Supper or Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. However compared to all of them Jesus’s baptism painting is the most famous out of all, since it depicts the pinnacle of bible, the rise of the savior. In addition, it also depicts the basic belief in Catholicism and Christianity, which is the trinity, the father or God, the son or Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The painting thatRead MorePoem Analysis : Proverbs 1221 Words  | 5 PagesAbove all that thou guardest keep thy heart; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4, n.d). †¢ Exodus 23:25 – â€Å"And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee (Exodus 23, n.d). †¢ Psalms 91:2-4 – â€Å"I will say of the LORD, [He is] my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, [and] from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Movie Alexander - 1164 Words
The film, Alexander, is a historic drama about Alexander the Great, who became legendary for his military prowess. Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian general, narrates throughout the film. Moments of Alexander’s childhood was shown, such as his difficult relationship with his mother, Olympias, and his father, King Philip II of Macedon. After Alexander became King of Macedonia, he sets out to conquer the Persian Empire. He continued his eight-year campaign across East Asia, before returning home to Babylon. In the film, Alexander struggled to convince his army to continue to follow him across Asia. It was after the Battle of Hydaspes in India that encouraged Alexander to return home. The film also showed Alexander’s private relationships with†¦show more content†¦In addition, stone statues were depicted in the film as well. For example, many stone headed statues were displayed on top of pillars when the scene focused on Ptolemy I Soter narrating. Vases were presented in the film too. The artwork on vases showed past historic events. Furthermore, religion was referred a lot in the film. Hellenism was brought up in the film. For example, Olympias was surrounded with snakes in her room. There are scenes where Olympias had snakes wrapped around her leg. This represents that she was a follower of the god, Dionysius, whose rituals involved snakes coiling themselves around human bodies. Moreover, there were references to Greek gods and goddesses. For example, Olympias told Alexander that his real father was Zeus, and he had no blood relation to King Philip II. Additionally, Alexander (2004) presented several examples of a woman’s status in ancient times. Women are portrayed as child-bearers. In the a scene, King Philip II said to Alexander that he can marry as many wives as he want, so he can have as many sons. Also, women are not schooled, but stayed at home. For example, no girls were seen when Aristotle was teaching young Alexander and other boys about ethics and politics. Geography was also depicted in the film. There was various transportations that included horses, camels, and elephants. Horses were used to travel, and camels and elephants
Ben and Jerry’s is still committed Free Essays
It has come to our attention that you have noticed an inadequate amount of cookie and chocolate in one of our products that you have purchased. I would just like to inform you that we put hard work and long hours in making our products have the best quality. However, during the production process, there are times that the chunking equipment for nuts, chocolates and cookies would be inconsistent resulting to uneven ratios of ingredients put in the ice creams. We will write a custom essay sample on Ben and Jerry’s is still committed or any similar topic only for you Order Now In line with this, we will be forwarding your concern to the production department so that we can continue to satisfy the needs and wants of our customers and prevent these things from happening again. To compensate your dissatisfaction, we would gladly refund the cost of the one pint of ice cream that you have bought. We will be sending you a check via mail as soon as possible. You would most likely receive the payment within two weeks. Meanwhile, regarding your query about our dairy operations in Nevada, the management decided to set up there in order to supply our products to ice cream eaters residing on the West Coast. Through this, we would be saving energy and money because there will be no more need to transport milk from coast to coast. Also, this is our way of helping the environment because this will help in reducing carbon emissions caused by gas-powered vehicles. Despite this strategic move, we still want to assure you that Ben and Jerry’s is still committed in practicing our rural values and displaying our Vermont roots through our products. On another note, we are happy to hear that you support our stand against the use of milk from cloned cows. More so, we appreciate that most of our customers express their viewpoints on critical issues such as this one where our food and health are at stake. We, at Ben Jerry’s, really do appreciate your inquiry regarding these matters. I hope that you will still continue to patronize our products because we will never cease to put our best in making Ben and Jerry’s the ice cream brand that you can trust and enjoy! Sincerely, Alice Blachly Customer Affairs Coordinator/ How to cite Ben and Jerry’s is still committed, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Let Him Have It. Essay Example
Let Him Have It. Essay In this essay, Im going to tell you about a film called Let Him Have It. Its about two young boys who get involved in the killing of a police officer. Derek Bentley, 19, and Christopher Craig, 16, never thought they would get to a point where one of them had to kill someone when breaking and entering into a warehouse. The director, Peter Medak made the film because he wanted the audience to feel sympathy for Derek Bentley, who was executed for a crime he didnt commit. Whereas Craig, the young gangster who brutally murdered police officer, PC Miles, got only 10 years in prison because of being underage. The director showed us about Dereks early life by making the young boy look defenceless and innocent during the blitz. First came the flashbacks when London was under attack, where Derek was buried under a pile of debris. The mood was frantic, everyone was trying to help him and it was all chaotic. This childhood is completely different to Craigs one. Craig was a big troublemaker; he had a very rough childhood compared to Dereks. The director showed these two scenes about both Derek and Christopher because, he wanted the audience to know what kind of backgrounds these boys came from. He wanted us to judge Derek and Christophers past up to what they have become now. We will write a custom essay sample on Let Him Have It. specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Let Him Have It. specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Let Him Have It. specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Derek came from a loving family who cared and stood by him. Examples where love and support is shown in Dereks family is when he had nice long chats with his sister, Iris, in his bedroom, when she encouraged him to give up smoking, this shows that she really cares for her brother and wants him to be happy and healthy. Another example is when his father tries to get a job for his son. What made Dereks parents happy was when his sister took him out for the first time into town. The director also shows the whole family having a Sunday evening together chilling out and relaxing in the living room. Whereas Craigs family is not shown in the film to represent they dont spend time with each other, except for his brother Niven who got into trouble mostly all the time, he served 12 years in prison for armed robbery at Waltham Abbey. Dereks lack of confidence is shown wherever he is. For example, when he and his sister were out in town, they entered a record shop, and the woman behind the counter started flirting with him. He didnt know what to say and stuttered because he was so nervous. Other times too, like in the courtroom his head was down because he was too nervous to look at people, even his own family. This behaviour is totally different looking at how Craig acts. Whenever hes with his friends, he feels as if hes the leader of the gang and takes control of everything. His confidence got him into trouble sometimes, always taking risks, like in the early days at school, when he used to swap guns with classmates. He was always trying to show them off, and one reason for this, is because his classmates used to take the mickey out of him for having dyslexia. Hes the cocky and cheeky type, this shows that Craig has to act like this to make others aware that he is not scared easily and can stand up for himself. In the courtroom, Derek shaked and nearly had a fit when he spoke but Craig had his chin up and spoke clearly, with cocky confidence and arrogance to the judge. Derek admires and looks up to Craig because he finds everything great in Craigs lifestyle. Examples are friends, money, women, cars Craig makes it look easy about having a girlfriend, loads of friends, having a lot of money and possessing a nice car. Derek wants Craigs life because he thinks its exciting and fun. The night when they decided to rob the warehouse was actually the night of the shooting. They both climbed over the gate, first Craig then Derek. At that precise moment, a little girl sees them and the police are alerted. When the police arrive, Dereks behaviour changes. He thinks about what his family will make of him - My dad is going to kill me he starts to panic and wants to own up but Craig holds him back. Craig is acting jumpy as well but tries to stay calm. He tries to play it tough, and making it like hes not scared and in control. He says things that he thinks are daring to the police officer, like-Come and get me if you want! During the trial, Derek is shown to be vulnerable and naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve. When he answers questions he looks down and shakes a lot. During that time the camera does a close up of him looking nervous, because when the judge asked him a question, he was nervous about his answer. Derek tells his story with hesitation, however Craig just tells it without even thinking. When the judge told him about the amount of guns he carried from the age of 11 to 16 and then went on to ask if he carried them with him altogether, Craig seemed to find that amusing and answered mockingly Of course not Sir, I carried a few at a time The director shows people in authority in a bad light in the film- to make us think that theyve done wrong, and punished an innocent person. For example, the people who put Derek in approved school, they seem like they cant be bothered with Derek, they dont think hes smart, and want nothing to do with him. Also, he shows that the army medical officer, doesnt want an unhealthy person like Derek to fight with a weakness, in this case- Dereks fits. The policeman on the roof was much the same, he could clearly see that Derek did nothing, possessed no gun, and killed no one, but he assumed that his fatal words - Let him have it Chris directly meant - Shoot him. However, any person who thinks logically will know that Dereks innocent words actually meant- Let him have the gun, Chris. The judge, jury and lawyer also mistake those clear unoffending words for something they think are guilty, which makes Dereks chances of not being executed very low. In the last part of the film, the build-up to the hanging is very emotional and stressful for everyone. The director tries to break our hearts, showing us the state of the family, people who support Derek; he does a close-up of the clock to indicate how much time Derek has before his brutal death. The music is very slow and gentle, so it can match the speed of the pre-execution. At around 9am, hes in his cell, saying his final prayers with a Priest. The actual hanging itself, happened so suddenly, you didnt have time to think about what was going on. Derek was shaking as the police officer gave him his drink to calm him down, then being taken away to his death place. When he was being executed, the speed changed very quickly as did the music, it went along with the speed- very fast. The way the director shows Derek, roughly handled by the men and how abrupt the procedure was, with a bag on his head and feet and hands tied up, makes us feel very sorry for him and angry with everyone w ho put him through that. And thats exactly what the director intended us to feel when he made this film.
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